Embarrassing Photos

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Nathaniel stay still!"

The wiggling infant on the changing table wasn't having any of it however, and every time you try to put his leg or arm into the item of clothing, he somehow moves his body just right so it's your arm going through instead.

You've been at this for ten minutes now.

"Nathaniel Pietro Barton, I'm losing the will to live here; stop moving around!"

"No!" he yells up at you, kicking his legs wildly to shimmy out of the shorts you had very nearly put on him. "No, no no!"

You groan, putting your hands either side of his little head. He giggles up at you, hands reaching out to grab at your hair.

"This is all one big game to you, isn't it you little monkey." You say and you can't help but smile when he laughs cheekily.

"Just let me put you in the sailor outfit and I'll give you yummy choc-choc milk for the rest of the week." You kept the fact that it was Saturday quiet. Nathaniel wasn't to know. "I've got to wrestle the other two into their outfits yet!"

You somehow get the shorts on him and before he can move, you lift him up and shove the shirt over his head. You sit him back down, straighten the scarf on the shirt and plonk the hat on his head.

"Well don't we look super cute?"

Nathaniel giggles and claps his hands. You pick him up again, grab Lila and Cooper's outfits and make your way downstairs. Pietro, Wanda, Natasha and Maria all look up when you enter the room.

"Look at him!" Wanda squeals, hands shooting out for Nathaniel. You smirk and hand him over.

"Watch him while I wrestle Cooper into his outfit?"

"I'm not letting this handsome thing out of my sight." Wanda says as she pecks his cheek.

"Don't let her leave, Nat." You point to Lila who is already trying to slip away. Both Natasha and Maria grab her.

"Good luck with that, Y/N." Natasha tells you. You frown at her.

"Which way did he run?"

"Back door."

"Thanks." You put their outfit's on the back of the chair and run out of the room. "Cooper!"

Your little brother is annoyingly quick.

He's been off his crutches for two weeks now and it's like he has never been on them. The second he sees you coming for him, the kid bolts and you're literally left in his dust as he flees around the house. You cough as you swallow a mouthful of dirt, grimacing before giving chase. You wipe your mouth as you go flying past the house, hearing a cheer. You laugh, knowing that they're watching.

You skid around to the front of the house and freeze. Cooper isn't in sight. Unless he's gone around the house again, you're momentarily stumped. Ever since the accident, Cooper has been too scared to go back into the barn so you know he hasn't hid in there...

...he's on your back in a flash and floors you before you can even think about shouting at him. He scrambles away from you once more, foot stepping on your hand as he goes. You get to your feet, moaning in pain when you clench your fist.


You set off running again, closing the gap quickly; as he speeds through the front door, you're racing up the porch steps and as you're about to grab him, the door slams shut and you collide right into it. You can hear Pietro laughing from inside. Grumbling to yourself and rubbing your now incredibly sore forehead, you storm into the room to see Cooper moments away from darting out the back door again. You can't go through all that running again.

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