In The Rain

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You really need to stop falling asleep on the sofa.

It isn't doing any good for your back. It was comfortable when you had started to doze, but now with Nathaniel lying in an obscure angle on you, his feet pressing uncomfortably on your bladder; you're not as cozy as you once were. The toddler is asleep soundly. You look down at him and brush some of his hair that had fallen over his face, shifting a little to straighten your leg to try and get rid of the pins and needles.

Nathaniel stirs, eyes fluttering open before they close again and a little sigh escapes his lips.

"I wonder what you're dreaming of." You mutter as you gently stroke his nose. Your baby brother smiles a little and you can just make out the tip of a tooth poking through his gum. "It's probably food. Moma's chocolate cake by any chance?"

"I could tell you if you wanted."

You glance up and smile warmly at Wanda. She is looking down at you, a mug of cocoa cupped in her hands.

"I'm curious too, to see what babies and toddlers dream about." Wanda continues as she perches on the side of the coffee table, eyes sparkling with curiosity. Nathaniel moves, hand moving to lie on your neck. He loves to lie in awkward positions. Wanda's eyes watch the movement before returning back to you. She brings her cup up to her lips and blows ever so softly. You're struggling to think of a reply, ever distracted by her luscious lips.

"It probably is about food,"

You quickly look back up to her eyes.

"What?" You ask.

"Nathaniel's dream. He likes his food."

You smile. Why you feel so nervous, is beyond you.

"That he does."

Wanda takes a sip of her drink and moans.

"How does your mom do it? Everything she makes tastes delicious."

"It's her thing," you tell Wanda, trying to sit up. "Like dad's is archery."

"What's your thing?"

You successfully manage to sit up and cradle Nathaniel to you.

"My thing?" You shrug, rubbing his back as he starts to whimper. "I don't know. I'm not that special..."

"Yes you are," Wanda says quickly. "You have no idea how special you are."

You're about to reply when Nathaniel starts to wail. He screeches and wiggles against you, despite your best efforts to calm him. Wanda puts her cup down and reaches over; stroking Nathaniel's hair in an attempt to help.

"Shhhh," you sigh, bouncing him. "You're okay, Nathaniel, come on, no need to cry."

Over his crying, you can hear Lila yelling.

"Dad! Cooper broke the bathroom lock again!"

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Quiet moments never last long here." You say.

And then you feel something warm on your body. The smell hits you first and you don't need to look down to clarify that Nathaniel has just thrown up all over you.

"Christ that stinks." You mutter, resisting the urge to gag. You can feel it running down your chest.

"I'll take him." Wanda says as she scoops the crying toddler into her arms. "Go get yourself cleaned up."

You quickly stand, lifting your shirt at the ends to create a bowl so the sick doesn't get everywhere. You know you're flashing your stomach, and under another circumstance, you'd probably blush when Wanda looks, but you're too preoccupied.

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