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Sean and I's game ended. He won. Only because I let him.

But . . . I know that's a lie.

Sean and I were just . . . talking. About life. Catching up. But I felt something . . . Weird. Like, I felt like he wasn't a friend.

He was a best friend.

I let out a sigh, and he looks at me like I'm crazy. "Are you okay?"

I smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He smiled. "Good."

Then we sat there in complete and utter silence. It was uncomfortable, knowing what Leah had said . . .

When you're shipped with someone, you start to realize something . . .

That you might actually feel something towards them . . .

Haha! What a lie! My fans thought that with me and Tom--of course, we did date for some time, but that's over now.

But . . . that was Leah. Leah isn't a fan. She's my best friend.

Ugh . . . I don't know what to do about this . . .

tom ((RUN))

I was going to tell her I still love her.

I really do.

I take a deep breath, and look into the living room.

Erin and . . . Some guy were sitting on the couch, silent.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion. I was about to say something when the man spoke.

"Erin . . . We should talk about s-something. It's been on my mind for a few years now . . ." He had an Irish accent.

That's when it clicked.


Erin looked up at him. I quickly hid behind the couch.


There was a sigh. I'm assuming it was from Sean.

"Erin . . . I really like you . . . More than a friend."

you all seen that coming.

yin yang // thesyndicateproject / tom cassel auWhere stories live. Discover now