Maple High School vs Chi-Ha-Tan Academy part 2

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Author Thought:

Again a short one so we can get to the action. Miho and her team have shown they can stand tall with Maple, but one early victory won't claim the match. So strap in for this final show down with these two small schools as they want to punch their ticket into nationals.


"Oh man, I been looking forward to a fight. Yet now I'm nervous," Nomi said, her left leg bouncing up and down in her gunner chair, visibly showing her jumpiness for the first-ever battle with their Tiger 1.

"Calm down sis, you only have the biggest role here, no prob," her twin sister Nene tease next to her in the loader position.

"Well you're a big help," the other twin shot back annoyed.

"Nene, could you not make things more stressful for her. We need her to be our team's ace today," Moteki said from the driver's seat.

"Oh your no fun, gave you a perfect opportunity to jump in," Nene said, then lean back in the chair with both arms back in a relaxed position with closed eyes.

"Y...You...Your...pretty Nene?" Watabe ask.

Nene open one eye at her friend and smirk. "I'm cool as a cucumber. Someone besides the commander should be."

Miho who was standing tall in the commanders cupola of her Tiger 1, smile as her crew did their best to keep their nerves under control. Currently, their Tiger 1 was situated atop brush fill hillside that conceal their tank. Looking down onto the grassy plains that had several farmhouses, with a very large cornfield located across from their position.

The main road ran between the cornfields, then ran straight towards Miho's position before bending off to the right. This was where she plan to unleash her surprise attack strategy, which so far had gone to plan. With Hosomi's successful recon in force, though it was better to look at it as a successful ambush now, that had bought time and entice the enemy to follow, in turn giving Miho the time to position for a strike.

"I guess I'm about to be like a tiger, like Hosomi said earlier and pounce," Miho thought

Hosomi had hit the main column and though she hadn't killed any tanks. She had damage 2 tanks treads while doing some damage with her machine guns on the enemy optics. Many Sensha-do teams disregarded the machine gun in their tanks since they were thought to be mostly infantry deterrent weapon, yet they still ask for crews to occupy them. Using them to take out enemy periscopes and vision blocks wasn't against the rules, so Miho had had the bow gunners on all tanks retrain to make use of this.

Now Hosomi's platoon was leading a platoon of Grizzly 1's and 2 Valentine Mk 4 tanks back to Miho's position. The twin bun platoon leader along the way, made short stops to fire on the Maple tanks to force them to deploy into line, then would retreat, then repeat the process to keep the Maple tanks entice to keep following.

This skirmish tactic was possible because of Hosomi's all Type 97 Chi Ha's, as well as Fukuda's Type 95 Ha-Go, good drive systems, and smaller profiles that made them hard to hit, which is why Miho sent the 1st year along as well with her. It was also a way for Miho to let Fukuda prove herself as she wanted.

The sudden sound of a distant firefight told Miho that Hosomi was close, and switch to her internal net to talk to her first years. "Alright crew, ready up. The time to strike is here. Watabe relay orders that all tank platoons are to hold their positions till I order. Also to remember the attack strategy."

" commander!" Watabe said, then got to work.

"Nomi, remember your training, I know you have a talent for sniping. I'll call the distance, so match it on the aiming reticle, keep the target just under the place you're aiming to compensate for the rounds flight trajectory," Miho said to her gunner over the net.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora