Koala Forest High vs Chi-Ha-Tan Academy

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The hot sun beat down on the desert field that was to serve as the battlefield for the practice match between Chi-Ha-Tan Academy and Koala Forest High School to prepare for the 63rd National Tournament and the National Qualifiers. Miho was glad that she had been afforded some shade at her observation point overlooking the battleground.

After the heated moment with Tamada, Miho had stayed away from the tankery club. Ikeda and Hosomi still hung out with her at school when they could, but Tamada had kept her distance from Miho, which hurt the young girl seeing the space place between them, when before they were never far from each other's side. In her absence, several other tankery members had begun to hang out with her, including Nishihara, Kubota, Hamada, and Fukuda.

The new friends pick at Miho's brain for ideas on tactics to use in tankery. Miho for her part, though somewhat reluctant at first began to expand on the base idea she had given Nishi. The four girls, along with some others, mostly first-year members all hang around Miho, which she was grateful for their friendliness which seems to be a staple of the club. They as well like to hang out with Miho including even sharing several homemade sweets with her, had lunch together, and even walk with her to school in the morning.

Yet Tamada had weighed on Miho's mind all the while. She had occasionally seen her in passing between classes or if Ikeda and Hosomi were hanging out with her at lunch. Yet if Miho try to make eye contact she would turn the other way, which meant Tamada was still mad at her, though Nishi kept reminding her to be patient and that Tamada would come around in her own time.

"Miss Nishizumi, would you like some fresh lemonade?" Fukuda ask.

Miho turn to see the pint-size first year, without her usual tankery helmet on, offering her a glass. "Oh that would be lovely, thank you, Fukuda."

"Oh no worries Miss Nishizumi, Miss Nishi ask me to attend to you during our match," the energetic first-year said.

"Please, just call me Miho."

Fukuda balk at the request. "Oh, first name base already. Oh.....oh....ok Miss Nishiz....I mean Miho!"

Miho just smile at the cute first year, she was glad for the first year's company at the observation point. Nishi had ask Miho to come to the match, but not to cheer in stands with the rest of the student body who attended, instead Nishi got permission for her to have a private observation point to look over their battle and take notes on what might help them in the upcoming qualifier.

"Can I ask you a question, Miss Miho?" Fukuda said bashfully.

"Yea, go ahead," Miho reply.

The first year's eyes grew serious. "Do you believe we can win today using our tactics?"

Miho turn her eyes back to the field. "I don't mean to be a downer, but I don't think so. Koala Forest High school will have in mind that you will charge recklessly. They most likely will have an M3 Grant, Matilda Mk 2, AC 1 Sentinel, and M3 Stuart. Those alone are formidable tanks that do mostly well in a desert climate like this. Worse if they take advantage of a Hull-Down Position it could prove deadly."

"What's a Hull-Down position?" Fukuda asks, eager to learn.

"It's when a tank takes advantage of the slope of a hill, a depression in the ground, or natural cover like rocks. You place your tank behind the cover that will protect your hull, while only exposing your turret. An attacking enemy would only have the turrets for a target which could prove difficult. Also if you take a good position with the enemy having to attack over open ground, while you are concealed and most importantly stationary, the results for a successful attack are near impossible. It makes for a good defense," Miho explains.

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