We Must Retreat To Win

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"The flowers are very lovely Mr. Hidemichi," Nishi said from her hospital bed.

"Well if you want to praise someone, do praise Miho. She pick the best ones from my garden along with Fukuda," he reply with a smile.

Nishi turn to Miho who was sitting next to her bed. "Thank you for picking them."

"Oh think nothing of it, Fukuda really knows her flowers and knew which ones you would like," Miho said a bit embarrassed for the sudden praise.

Nishi smile at her friend, glad that she had been coming to the hospital to visit her after the incident on the field. Nishi at first couldn't remember what happened before everything went black, her last image was her gunner Sumi, pulling her forcefully inside just before the Koala volley destroy their tank, then sending it flipping over after being subjected to so much firepower. The interior carbon lining design inside the tank would keep the tank crew from getting hurt, but Nishi's head had snapped on the edge of the commanders cupola that didn't have any protection.

The blow knock Nishi out and when she awoke, she found herself on an ambulance that transfer her to a helicopter that then flew her to the Akagi Carrier Medical Center. The doctor diagnosed her with a Grade 2 Concussion, much to the dismay for Nishi.

Several days had passed since Nishi had been admitted and she had been gradually feeling better as the days passed by. Though she still had moments of irritability, a slight ringing in her ears, and some brief moments of amnesia. Thankfully the symptoms had been dissipating and she soon might be release back to school.

The worst part of the whole ordeal was calming her parents and little brothers down, who live on the mainland. They were adamant about coming to see her, but Nishi talk them down since the Akagi was way too far out to sea for a boat to ferry them, but the school carrier was heading back to dock at Chiba Prefecture at the moment, so she would see them soon and Nishi hope they wouldn't make too much of a fuss over her, yet that seems impossible at this point.

"Well Miss Nishi, I have some good news for you," Hidemichi said getting both girl's attention. "I've been talking with the doctors and they feel that your recovery has been excellent, so they plan to release you tomorrow."

"That's great Nishi!" Miho said excitedly.

"I will be remiss to leave out the bad news as well. Sensha-do has a very strict policy on concussions. After talking with the committee they have deemed that you will have to sit out the next match for safety and there is no argument about it," The headmaster said sadly.

Nishi was startled to hear the news. "But our next match is the qualifier, their even doing the random match lottery today. Who is going to lead our club?!"

The sudden frantic response made Miho grab hold of Nishi's hand to calm her down, so as not to aggravate her condition, even if she was on the mend now. The concussion sometimes still made her irritable though Nishi had kept it in check, for the most part, that was in full effect as the startling news was delivered.

Hidemichi to his credit didn't make a fuss over the sudden outburst and continue. "I understand how you feel Miss Nishi. Even if the committee somehow let you participate, I would have stepped in to stop you. My job requires not to just help young minds grow, but also to keep those minds safe. I understand tankery is at times a very dangerous sport, but an injury like yours might have had long-term effects and your future is more important than one match."

The statement left no room for Nishi to argue, so she fell into silence, only looking down at her hand grip by Miho's. Nishi was glad for the source of comfort because she was shaking internally with anger and fear. Her club would have to qualify for the tournament without her and the poor showing in the practice match, couple with her injury would not do her teammates any favors.

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