The process begins

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Immediately after admitting that Shoto lost his nerve and started to internally freak out.

What would Endeavor do when he found out?

What would Aizawa do with this information?

Why didn't he just lie?

Too many thoughts clogged Shoto's mind and he rushed out of the classroom, ignoring his teacher's calls from behind him.

Shoto ran all the way home not giving himself time to think or go over what happened. He walked in the house and immediately a bottle came flying at his head that he narrowly dodged. He looked at his father with wide eyes. Did he know?

"You're late," Endeavor complained. Shoto took a sigh of relief before being dragged by his collar and thrown into the training room.

He barely had enough time to stand up before a punch came to his stomach that knocked the air out of his lungs. He held his stomach and looked at his father's angry expression. This was going to be a long night.

With Aizawa

Shoto had run out of the room after he admitted to being abused by the number 1 hero. Aizawa had called after him but was unable to chase him as he still needed to watch Eri. Stressed and worried for the boy's safety, Aizawa walked back into his classroom. Eri had stood up and looked at the tired man with tear filled eyes.

"Is Shoto going to get hurt?"

"I don't know Eri, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Shoto gets out of there as quickly as possible."

"Okay, I trust you!" The little girl wiped her eyes and grabbed her guardian's hand. First things first Aizawa had to get Eri home, then he could try and find the best way to go about this. He had Shoto's confession but he wasn't sure he could get the boy to say it again, and it's not like he recorded the conversation. He needed Shoto to talk and be willing to go to court as well as the police to give a statement for Endeavor's initial arrest. 

This would be a long process and Aizawa didn't know if Shoto would cooperate. It seemed like he regretted confessing in the first place.

At home

After Aizawa got home he sent Eri to her room so she could play. Hitoshi was hanging out with some people from class 1A so Aizawa went to talk with Hizashi. He walked into their room and noticed the loud blonde was reading in a chair off to the side.


Hizashi looked up to see his husband looking extremely stressed out. Immediately he set his book down and got up, going over to his spouse.

"Shota what's wrong, you look stressed?"

Aizawa took a deep breath and sat down on the end of their bed, Hizashi sat next to him. Aizawa began to explain everything that happened that day, from what Eri told him to confronting Shoto and Shoto running out. Hizashi looked disgusted at the end of the retelling. How could the number 1 hero abuse his own son?! He thought bitterly.

"I don't know what to do Zashi. It won't be easy going up against the number 1 hero and we'd need hard evidence."

Hizashi sat for a moment thinking of what they could try to do to at least get a start.

"Maybe we could try talking to one of his friends, Midoriya perhaps, they seem close. He might know something or could help point us in the right direction."

"That could work. What would I do without you?"

Aizawa leaned his head on Hizashi's shoulder, while the blonde wrapped his arm around his husband's waist and kissed his forehead. They both yearned to help Shoto but they couldn't do anything at the moment so they settled for taking comfort in each other.

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