"Why aren't you safe yet?"

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Todoroki was sitting in class, waiting for his teacher Aizawa to enter and start class. Some of his classmates were also in their seats waiting for their tired teacher to arrive, while others were conversing with their friends, not having a care in the world.

Just then Aizawa walked in holding the hand of a small girl, she looked to be about 6 or 7.

Eri, Todoroki thought. Midoriya had told him about the young girl. She looked apprehensive, while Aizawa introduced her.

"Problem children this is Eri, be kind to her and don't overwhelm her or make loud noises." The teacher explained with a pointed look at Bakugou, the teen merely scoffed and rolled his eyes.

With that said, the cat man went to his sleeping bag in the corner and instantly fell asleep. Eri looked nervous without the older male but Deku soon went to greet her and her eyes brightened. 

Eri had been talking with Deku while the girls marveled at her, Todoroki had been sketching in his sketchbook staying in his seat. He didn't want to overwhelm the blue haired child, plus he didn't even know what'd he say if he did talk to her.

Deku was talking enthusiastically at Eri, while she giggled and smiled. 

It felt good to smile, she thought to herself. 

She began to scan the room a little taking in all the people, it was a bit overwhelming but they seemed really nice. Her eyes stopped on a boy with half white, half red hair, he was looking down at his desk drawing something? 

Eri couldn't tell from this distance. 

Something about him intrigued her, that's when he looked up. Eri went to look away, embarrassed she'd been caught staring but something in his eyes surprised her and she kept her gaze locked with his. Eventually Todoroki looked away, while Eri pretended to listen to Deku. 


That's what she saw. Clear as day. It was something she was all too familiar with. I

mpulsively she asked Deku, "Mr. Deku, who is that?" she pointed to Todoroki. 

Deku was a bit surprised but replied happily, "That's Todoroki, one of my friends, would you like to meet him?" Eri nods. 

Deku takes her hand, heading to Todoroki's desk. Todoroki could feel them approaching, instinctively looking up. Deku smiled at him.

"Hey Todoroki-kun, this is Eri. She wanted to meet you." Deku introduced. The little girl looked at him shyly, he gave a slight smile trying to make her feel more comfortable.

"Hello?" He said questioningly. Eri suddenly had a look of determination. She pulled on Deku's sleeve making him kneel down so she could whisper something in his ear.

"Are you sure?"

Eri nodded. Deku smiled at her then left the two of them alone. Todoroki was confused but decided to wait for the girl to speak first, as she was the one who wanted to talk with him.

"Mr. Todoroki?" Eri spoke in a soft tone. "Why are you in pain?" She asked.

This caught Todoroki by surprise. How'd she know? His surprise was evident and Eri picked up on it. "I saw it in your eyes," she explained. 

Todoroki wasn't sure what to say. "It's- it's complicated." Eri looked like she wanted to press on but before she could Aizawa came over to them, seemingly having just woken up.

"Todoroki I need to ask you a favor," His sensei started, Todoroki nodded signaling him to continue, "Could you watch Eri this weekend? Mic and I have hero stuff all weekend and the rest of your classmates are going home, but I knew you were staying in the dorm..." Aizawa semi-ranted. He was unusually nervous. 

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