Too Many Thoughts

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Shoto didn't know how to feel. He was nervous when he went into class, thinking Aizawa would bring up what he said the previous day. 

Except he didn't. 

Instead he asked to talk to Midoriya after class. Shoto's anxiety was through the roof as he left the classroom, sending one look back at Midoriya before disappearing out the door. 

Breathe Shoto, he thought to himself, you have no idea why he wanted to talk to Midoriya.

Deep down he knew it was about him. Just yesterday he told his teacher he got abused at home by the number 1 hero, and today Aizawa-sensei wanted to talk to his best friend. 

That can't be a coincidence. 

With that thought in mind Shoto started to panic, luckily he was staying in the dorms so he didn't need to worry about training with his father. He rushed to his dorm before any of his classmates could pick up on his behavior. Once safely in his dorm room he released a breath and put his hands on his head taking deep breaths. 

Once calm enough he started his homework. If Midoriya was really talking to Aizawa-sensei about him there was nothing he could do now. It was better to keep his mind off the millions of scenarios going through his head. 

About an hour and a half later there was a knock at his door. He had calmed down after the initial freak out, opting to work on homework. Answering the door he saw Midoriya standing there with a nervous smile. He let him in and Midoriya went to sit on the floor where they usually sat when hanging out in Shoto's room. Shoto joined him, raising an eyebrow.

"Midoriya? Is everything okay?" He noticed the smaller teen had been wringing his hands which he quickly put in his lap.

"Everything's okay! At least I think it is. I just wanted to talk to you about something."


"So you know how Aizawa-sensei asked me to stay after class..." Midoriya trailed off. Shoto instantly knew what their conversation was about. It unnerved him, and he put his hands on his lap to keep them from shaking.

"Anyway, Aizawa-sensei wanted to ask me about your home life..."

Shoto felt his blood run cold. He knew Aizawa wouldn't just leave it alone after he confirmed Eri's claims. But knowing his teacher went to his best friend and not knowing what said best friend told him made his heart speed up.

"What did you tell him?" Shoto asked. The color drained from Midoriya's face and Shoto was pretty sure he had his answer but he waited for the green eyed teen to speak.

"I told them everything-"

"Them?!" Shoto interrupted. He thought it was just Aizawa. Who else knew?!

If possible Midoriya looked even more sheepish and shrunk into himself.
"Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic-sensei..." Midoriya mumbled.

Shoto sighed and took a couple of deep breaths. He knew Aizawa and Present Mic were close, it wasn't that surprising Aizawa told him but it still racked his nerves.

When Midoriya deemed it safe he continued.

"I told them as much as I knew. I didn't want to betray your trust but I'm worried! It's not okay what Endeavor is doing and you need help but won't ask for it!"

Shoto was a bit shocked. He never really thought he needed help. He assumed this was happening for a reason. That it was how it was meant to go. 

He also didn't realize Midoriya was this worried about him. And lastly he didn't expect Midoriya to have told Aizawa and Present Mic everything he knew, maybe give them some information but not all.

"I won't say I'm sorry because I don't regret it. I want you to be safe. I also gave them Fuyumi's number. I hope you don't hate me." Midoriya was weirdly confident as he talked though he lowered his head on the last sentence. 

Shoto didn't really know how to feel. He gave them Fuyumi's number? He looked at Midoriya trying to separate all the emotion he was feeling at the moment, focusing on the ones directed at his friend right now.

He didn't hate Midoriya. Not at all. Though there was something negative he was feeling towards him that he couldn't identify.

"I don't hate you Midoriya," He decided to ease his friend's mind a bit, "but I need some time to think about everything if you don't mind."

"Of course!" Midoriya said standing up, "I hope everything turns out alright."

"Thank you" Shoto replied before Midoriya left and he closed the door. 

Now alone in his empty room he sank to the floor, thoughts burdening his mind. He decided to lay down for a bit as he had developed a headache. Laying on his futon, he closed his eyes willing the thoughts to leave. Instead, however; they only got louder. Swarming in his head until he felt like it would explode. Too many things were crossing his mind.

What would Aizawa do now?

How far would he go?

He had Fuyumi's number now.

What would father do once he found out?

How did Eri get him to open up so easily?

Why did Midoriya tell them?

Present Mic also knows now.

Who else would find out?

Would Aizawa and Present Mic talk to Fuyumi?

Who else would they talk to?



How could he have messed up so bad?

Why did he admit it?

Would father kill him?

How bad would it get?

Could there be a possibility that he would be saved?

Shoto wanted to scream. That last thought haunted him the most. He would never be saved; he had to accept that. He didn't deserve to be saved. Right?

Deciding his thoughts weren't going to settle he got up and walked out of his dorm. Maybe a walk in the clear night sky would help. 

He walked out of the dorms taking a quick glance at the clock before he left, 9:52. Looks like he would miss curfew, but right now he didn't care. Anything to get away from his thoughts. 

Walking out of UA wasn't very hard considering curfew hadn't hit yet, he walked down the sidewalk looking at the star willing his mind to clear. He didn't know how long he was walking for, he felt like he was almost in a trance, his mind drifting. That's why he didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind him.

(A/N: Let me know what ship you guys want, or if you want a ship at all)

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