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The club that they were entering now was just as busy as the last.

Luckily they managed to find a table not too far away from the bar or the dance floor.

'What's everyone drinking?' Destiny asked 'I'll get these'.

'Are you sure?' Cheryl asked.

'Of course, come with me?' Destiny smiled.

When they were sure they'd remember what everyone wanted Cheryl and Destiny headed to the bar hand in hand.

'You're friends seem really cool' Destiny said after she had given the bartender her order.

'They are' Cheryl nodded.

'So how come a girl like you is single?' Destiny asked.

'I guess I can't be tamed' Cheryl shrugged playfully.

'Is that a challenge?' Destiny asked raising an eyebrow.

'Maybe' Cheryl whispered into her ear.

That was a challenge Destiny definitely accepted.

'Here's your drinks ladies' the bartender smiled 'enjoy your night'.

'I'm sure we will' Destiny smirked.


After a few rounds of drinks in this club somebody caught Sweet Peas eye, she had beautiful dark skin and huge brown eyes and if he wasn't mistaken she kept looking over at him from the dance floor.

'Dude go and talk to her' Fangs nudged his friend.

'I can't leave you here alone' Sweet Pea said as he looked over to the dance floor where the girls were all over the women they have met tonight.

'I'll be fine' Fangs said rolling his eyes 'go and talk to her'.

'Okay' Sweet Pea said standing up and making his way over to the woman.

'Hey' he said confidently 'I couldn't help but notice you, can I buy you a drink?'.

'Sure' the woman smiled 'I'm Keshia'.

'Nice to meet you Keshia, I'm Sweet Pea' he smiled widely.

They made their way to the bar 'so do you want to find a seat to get to know each other?'.

'Isn't that your friend sat alone?' She frowned.

'Yeah but our other friends are close by, he's fine' Sweet Pea said.

'I can go grab my friends if you'd like, we can sit together so he's not alone?' Keshia asked.

'Okay cool, I'll meet you over there then?'.

'Okay' Keshia said leaning forward and placing a small kiss on his cheek 'I'll be right back handsome'.

Sweet Pea grinned widely before making his way back to Fangs glancing over at Cheryl who had now joined them but she was busy, she was practically straddling Destiny as they made out on the chair next to him.

'Dude where'd the girl go?' Fangs asked.

'She's gone to grab her friends so you're not sitting alone' Sweet Pea said taking a seat 'she does realise she's in public right...' he said looking over to Cheryl.

'She's having fun' Fangs laughed 'I think it's been a while'.

Sweet Pea laughed along until he saw Keshia approaching him with her friends.

'No way' Fangs said his jaw almost hitting the floor.

'Hey' Keshia said these are my friends 'this is Toni, Jacob, Eddie and Brandon'.

I'll Always Be Hers | CHONI |Where stories live. Discover now