Katherine's Return

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I just woke from my sleep and saw Stefan writing journal. I know that he is so worried about Damon. Since Bonnie has kidnapped. They are finding ways to torture Damon as bait. We all are finding witches who had kidnapped Bonnie. Damon is sleeping. Witches are using Damon to torture Bonnie.

I got up from bed and headed to bathroom to shower. Once I came from shower no one was there in bedroom. I think Stefan went to see Damon.

I went in kitchen, there was Elena and Jo who were making breakfast for everyone.

"Hey Caroline, Good morning", -Elena .

"Hey Elena, Good morning what are you doing for breakfast? ", I asked

Even though we are vampires, we got a habit of behaving like a human. Because we were living with Alaric, Jo, Lizzie and Josie and of course Bonnie.

Everyday since hellfire, we are living like a one family. I think we got to know how important we are for each other.

"Care, we are making pancakes for us, you know that Damon loves pancakes. " Said Elena

"Ohhk!!!!!! " I said

"Where are girls ? "

" Ohh Lizzie and Josie, Ric took them to Dallas, he said that in this situation they should not be involved. " Jo answered.

"Caroline, I want to talk to you? "

"Yes Jo ok "

"Come with me "

Jo and I went to back side of the house to talk.

"Caroline, I want to talk about girls"


"Care, I think I want you to tell them about me, real me, they are my daughters, I know you did great job to give birth to them and raise them. You are such beautiful person. But I also want hear them calling me mom. You know that right. Every mother wants their children to called them mommy, and take care of them. Cuddle them, hug them, spend time with them, support them. I also want to experience what being a mother feels"

" Yeah jo I can understand, but I don't know how to tell them. "

" Caroline please, as a mother I am requesting you. "

" I am not telling you that tell them right now, but take your time, and think about it. Please "

" Jo don't say please, there are your daughters only. You are their biological mother. Things were different that time. Because of the circumstances I get a chance to be their mother. I feel so grateful for that. But now they need to know their real mother. I will tell them soon. Don't worry "

"Thank you Caroline, I don't know how to thank you enough. You have done so much for my daughters. I will always grateful to you. "

She huged me. I huged her back. Then I heard Damon's voice behind.

"Hey witchey-doctor what's going on. You guys just forgot Damon Salvatore some times. "

"No Damon ho can we forget you. Wow, you are back"

Since Bonnie has kidnapped. They have linked Bonnie and Damon. They are torturing them. But the thing is they are not going to harm Bonnie, but Damon through Bonnie. They will do anything to Bonnie like if they hurt Bonnie it will not hurt her physically but it will definitely hurt Damon. They want Bonnie's closer ones to suffer. We don't know what they want from Bonnie. They definitely using Bonnie for there own good.

Yesterday, Damon got burned half because of their spells . But Jo saved him. Since then he was sleeping in bedroom he just woke up.

"Hey Blondie, we have to go somewhere are you coming? No you are coming I am not asking you I am telling you. Come let's pack bags it's day and night trip for both of us to California. "

"California, but why? "

"We are going to meet, Bonnie's few relatives. To take information about Kaya. "

"Ok let's go but Stefan"

" He is sleeping, Elena will tell him don't worry, c'mon".

" Jo I think........ "

" Don't worry Caroline, I will take care of girls. "

" Of course you will be, and I promised as soon as I get from California I will tell them. "

" Happy journey and thank you "

" Bye Jo. "

Damon and I were in the car. It was cloudy day. I just wished that Bonnie is ok. She is been through alot. She deserves so much. I know that day she told me about how she feels alone in her life. Like no one is there. But after Damon and Bonnie came back together they don't even got a chance to be happy and go knows why now this happened.

After hours we reached at Bonnie's relatives' house. It was already night.
The cabin was in forest.

Her relatives were little strange. I have known all her relatives but they were not like this.But no problem we just decided to talk about Bonnie.

There were 3 people living in one house. One was maid and the other was elderly uncle and aunt.

When we were talking Damon got a call from unknown number, he picked the call but there was network problem. So he went outside of the house.

It's been half and our he is outside who called him and why. I should go and see what is happening.

"Hey, Mrs Harris I'll be right back. " I said

"Yes sure why not" Mr Harris replied

As soon as I went outside there was no one. It was dark and foggy. I searched for Damon but I couldn't find him.

" Damon , Damon "

I almost cried in this unknown place where the hell he is.

I went in the woods to find him. I was standing against tree. Then someone called me. I looked behind and there was

"What Katherineeer...... What the hell.. "

And then she just snapped my neck.

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