Chapter 11

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Itachi's p.o.v

Kakashi totally likes Rin. He isn't going to admit it for a long time, but he does. I can see it in the way he looks at her. I know him very well and can tell he really likes her.

I think Rin likes Kakashi too. I haven't known Rin as long, but she seems to blush a lot around Kakashi. So maybe she really does like him too, that would be good.

I was overhearing something about Shisui liking someone. I kinda hope he doesn't. Then again, who knows, maybe Kakashi was just teasing him.

Kakashi and Rin left like 20 minutes ago for whatever they are doing. I'm kinda bored. I wonder what Shisui is doing.

I got up from the couch and went unpstairs. He went back upstairs like 10 minutes ago. Sasuke was still down there but now Naruto was here too.

So they can keep each other company and I don't have to worry. Minato and Kushina are also down there watching them. I didn't just leave them all alone.

I slowly walked down the hall that conects to the stairs. The windows were open and there was a slight breeze coming in, fluttering the pale blue curtains.

The other windows were also like that. Those were all on the right side of the hall. On the left side is the doors. The doors were black with silver name plates saying what room belonged to who.

The floor is the hall was light brown wood. There were some toys here and there from Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura's playdates. At the end of this hall it breaks into two ways you can go. You can go left, or you can go right.

I turned left and started walking down the hall. Our house is pretty big so our friends have their own rooms here. At the end of this hallway there is a dark brown bookshelf.

Of course it's a bookshelf so there's books on it. It also has some family pictures and pictures of our friends. The bottom shelf is covered in kid friendly books and toys for Sasuke and his friends.

On the side of the bookshelf in sharpie there is something written and it says, "Kakashi was here." He did that when he was six and it's been there ever since.

I stopped at the sixth door. The silver nameplate reads, "Shisui" I took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling and then Shisui opened the door.

I almost died.

Kakashi's p.o.v

Me and Rin are walking down the street to the place I have set up for today. This is going to be interesting seeing as she seems a lot more shy around me today than she did yesterday. I wonder why.

Maybe it's because I let her sleep in my bed last night. Well other than her being more shy than usual she seems fine. I planned on going to the park with her for today.

I remember her saying she loves going out. She said she would go to the park a lot with her parents when she was younger. So I decided to take her today.

"So, Rin. How are you?" I asked.

"Oh- I'm good!" She says smiling at me.

"Okay. Well then, do you know where we are going?" I ask.

"Uhm, no idea yet." She says.

"Well you will see soon. We are almost there." I said.

She nodded and adjusted her skirt a bit. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time. It was 11:30 am which means we had been walking for 15 minutes, seeing as it was 11:15 when Rin got downstairs and was ready.

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