Chapter 14

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 Katrina waddled through the hospital halls as fast as her swollen ankles would allow with her family just behind her. She had a hand on her round belly as she approached the nurses' station. "Can you tell me where Dominic McCloud is located?" she asked the heavy set nurse manning the area.

"I sure can. I just need to know your relation to the patient." She began typing on her keyboard with swift strokes.

"I'm his girlfriend." Katrina responded.

"Mmm, I'm sorry." The older woman gave her a fake sympathetic look. "Unless you're a legal or biological relative, we can't provide you with that information."

"What?" Katrina was astounded.

"I said that unless you're ..."

"I heard what the hell you said and personally I don't give a rats' ass! Where is he?" Katrina roared in her hormonal state. Justin Jr. rubbed her back as he tried to encourage her to calm down, but Kat was enraged at the woman's audacity as she threatened to call security. "You can call the goddamn secret service for all I care, but if you don't tell me where my boyfriend is I'm gonna hop my pregnant ass over this fucking counter and beat the fat off of you!" Katrina had never spoken to an adult in such a manner, but at the moment all she could think about was getting to Dominic. With her luck lately she'd feared the worse when his father had called her earlier with the vague details of the accident as he was rushing out the door himself.

Her chest heaved in anger and she felt light contractions shooting across her abdomen, but she ignored them as she fully intended to keep her word when she heard her name being called from down the hall. She turned with a sigh of relief as Joslynn approached them.

"Dominic's this way." She told her as she took her hand. There was a band aid above her eye where her head connected with the car window, but other than that she appeared unharmed. Kat prayed the same would prove true for Dominic, but as usual her prayers were going to be answered.

Joslynn led her into the emergency room, while her family took a seat in the waiting room. She pulled back a curtain that sectioned of Dominic's resting place from the rest of the emergency room. She wanted to rush to Dominic and squeeze him tight in a ferocious hug, but had to restrain herself as his ribs were being wrapped by the doctor. He looked up at her a weak smile forming on his lips as his mother stepped out of the way. "You look like hell." He jokingly told her.

"I was so worried about you." She took his hand. "What happened?"

"Cops say it looks like someone tampered with the brakes." Mr.McCloud interceded from the side.

"Brake tampering?" Kat looked into Dominic's eyes knowing it could only be one person. She'd put the man she loved in danger of the man she hated. "I'm so sorry." She gingerly touched the bandage that wrapped around his head. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll be fine. You should be at home relaxing, not worried about me." Dominic tried to downplay the seriousness of his injuries.

"You're not fine. You have three broken ribs and a fractured skull. Hell, you're lucky to be alive right now." His mother spoke up.

"What I want to know is who you've pissed off enough to want to take your life?" His father asked.

"Randall." Katrina answered.

"The boy Dom beat up?"

"He's jealous because he still wants Kat. He called me last night, but I didn't think anything of it." Dominic replied wearily. He flinched as the doctor finally finished bandaging his ribs.

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