Chapter 13

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 The holidays had come and passed smoothly enough. She'd been able to hide her pregnancy due to the cold weather causing her to dress heavier up until she couldn't hide her bulging belly anymore. She'd only received one disturbing call after a strange incident at the mall with Dominic, then they simply ceased. They'd run into Randall as they window shopped looking for things for the baby as Katrina had decided to keep her child despite how it had been conceived.

As they strolled out of a children's' clothing store they saw him standing against the rail just outside the store. Apparently he'd seen them walking around inside through the stores large display windows. The smile faded from Katrina's face and Dominic took a protective step partially in front of her as the two men stared each other down. Randall's gaze drifted to the bags in Dominic's hand then to Katrina and down to her protruding, seven month pregnant stomach, which was visible through her form fitted dark purple knit sweater. He cocked his head to the side, his steely gaze piercing her to the core. The expression on his face was unlike anything she'd seen before and spoke of pure evil.

He walked away without further incident. Later that night as she cuddled with Dominic in the privacy of his room, talking about their future and dreams, his house phone rang. He unlaced their fingers as he reached over her for the phone on his night stand.

"Hello?' He answered when 'Unknown Caller' displayed on the Caller I.D. After he didn't receive a response he hung the receiver back on the base. Kat looked at him expectantly. "Wrong number." He lied not wanting to worry her. The phone rang again as they resumed their discussion about Katrina going to college to get her Bachelors' Degree in child psychology so that she could open her own practice for abused children and teens.

This time when Dominic answered, he received a response. "You didn't really think it'd be so easy, did you?" The voice emanating from the receiver could barely be recognized as Randall's as it was contorted from the pure hatred in his tone. "That I'd just let you have her after what you did to me?"

"You brought that on yourself." Dominic responded coolly.

"You don't really think I'm going to let you keep my baby do you?" Randall stated menacingly before he hung up.

"What was that about?" Katrina asked as he slowly put the phone down.

"I think it's about time we figured out how to tie up some loose ends." Dominic informed her.


Dominic sighed as he climbed behind of the wheel of his car. Joslynn jumped in the passenger seat beside him, slamming the door shut. "What the hell did I tell you about slamming my door?!" He gave her a horrified look.

Joslynn smirked. "My bad. Thanks for coming with me by the way."

"Like I really had a choice?" He turned the car on and threw it in gear before peeling out of the drive way.

"You could have said no, but it looked like you needed a break anyway." Joslynn stated referring to Dominic helping his father and his legal team with briefs for a major double homicide that occurred recently. He'd started interning in his fathers' office when he was sixteen in preparation for becoming as great a prosecutor as his old man someday.

"Yeah, I could have and then knowing you, you'd end up getting the biggest, ugliest teddy bear known to man or something." He replied as they sped through the streets to help her pick something out for Kat's baby shower.

"I hope she knows how lucky she is." Joslynn looked over at him seriously.

"Why would you say that?" Dominic returned the look.

"I'm just saying it's not often a man will take care of another man's child."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dom, I'm your twin. I know these things. And I've gotten to know Kat. She would have had to fuck you the day we came into town for her to be as far along as she is now, but somehow I don't think that's her scene." She quirked an eye brow at him as he sighed again and leaned back in his seat.

"When did you figure it out?" He asked.

"The day you told us. I saw how you chased her and how much you wanted to be with her. You tell me everything ... or at least you used to, so if you'd gone all the way I'd have known about it."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to, but it's not really my place." Dominic pressed the brakes as they made their way down a steep hill.

"You're claiming a child that's not yours. How is that not your place?" Joslynn asked.

"You wouldn't ... fuck!" Dominic exclaimed as he rapidly pumped the brakes to no avail.

"What's wrong?" Joslynn watched with round eyes.

"Put your seat belt on!" Dominic yelled to her as their speed increased, giving him the surreal feeling of being in a scene from Fast and Furious. He had to weave in and out of traffic to keep from hitting the cars in front of him as he speedily approached. Joslynn braced her self against the dash board as she watched her brother expertly handle the wheel.

"What about yours'?" Joslynn asked when she noticed he wasn't wearing his seat belt either.

"I don't ..." Was all Dominic managed to get out before a car unexpectedly jumped in his path from a side street forcing him to yank the steering wheel. He lost control of the car as it skidded in the middle of the street side ways. Joslynns' head snapped to the side, connecting with the glass window. He finally managed to pull the car out of the slide, but couldn't avoid the vehicles coming in his direction as they were now on the opposite side of the street. The mustang ended up on the sidewalk as it banged its way between two spaciously parked cars. That helped to slow it down, but not enough to keep Dominic in his seat as the car finally came to a halt. Dominic crashed head first through the windshield as the car smashed into the side of a building, raining debris down on him and the car.

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