Chapter 3

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 She was oblivious to the weekend flying by. She didn't leave her room once during those two days. She didn't get out of bed. Food didn't beckon to her, the thought alone made her nauseous. It wasn't until Sunday night, when her parents returned home and her mother knocked on her bedroom door, did she even acknowledge the outside world. She saw her mothers' shadow dancing across the light seeping under her door.

As her mother tested her door knob she pulled the covers tighter and tucked her head under her pillow. She wasn't ready to face her family yet. She felt as if the word "Raped" were branded into her forehead. She ignored her mothers knocking. She ignored the sound of Tess, her younger sister, coming out of her room to greet her parents and tell them that she hasn't been out of her room all weekend.

"Kat? Kat, honey, open the door." Her mother called through the thick wood. "Maybe she's sick?" she heard her mother say. More like soiled. Katrina thought to herself.

She sighed as she sat up, her body aching with each movement. She knew her mother wasn't going anywhere until she saw her daughters' face. Her body hurt even more as bruises she didn't know she had blossomed across her ribs over the last two days and her pelvis hurt, but she was deathly afraid to tell a soul lest his threat prove not to be idle. She wouldn't be able to live with herself knowing she caused harm to her younger sister. Tess was only a year her junior, but Kat had always been fiercely protective of her as their older brother Justin, who was away at college, was of both of them.

She cracked the door, only allowing the good side of her face to show as she hadn't put any make up on to cover her bruised left jaw and split lip. "I'm fine." Katrina croaked; her throat dry and raw.

"I was starting to worry about you." Her mother tried to open the door even further, but Katrina wouldn't budge.

"I think I'm coming down with something. I don't want to give it to anyone. I'll be fine." She lied as she caught a glimpse of her sister's dark locks. Her throat became tight with emotions as she thought of something happening to her. Tess moved into the door way, looking at her sister. Tess looked like a china doll with her petite frame, jet black hair and slanted eyes which both girls inherited from their Korean grandmother on their fathers' side. With the exception of Tess' nose, you wouldn't be able to tell she wasn't pure Asian herself.

Katrina's own eyes gave her a slightly exotic, almost sleepy expression. She was the oddest mix of Korean, Irish and Italian with her red hair and blue slanted eyes, but it worked for her.

She found herself staring back into a pair of identical set of eyes. She quickly closed the door in her sisters' face as her mother offered to bring her up a bowl of soup. She crawled back into bed and ignored the door once more as her mother actually brought her the unwanted broth.

She didn't go to school the next day. She didn't go to school that whole week. She couldn't face the world yet. So many thoughts raced through her mind and she was physically exhausted from the nightmares she had when she did allow herself to sleep. She was forced to interact with her family however. She couldn't help being skittish around them and hoped they wouldn't notice. She jumped at the slightest sound or unexpected movements. Katrina knew that they would never hurt her, but she found herself watching them with cautious eyes all the while cursing herself in the back of her mind.

She moved sluggishly as she got dressed for her first day back to school. She refused to eat breakfast. She couldn't eat even if she wanted to, her stomach was in knots. She could feel her chest tightening up just from the thoughts of walking into her school.

What if he really does go to school with me? But I've never seen him before ... but he knew about Tess. What if he was just guessing about Tess? What if he wasn't?! The last thing she wanted to do was end up running into Randall. She didn't know what she would do. She couldn't move as she stood at the bottom of the stairs while her father rushed her sister to get her bookbag.

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