Chapter 11

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 Thanksgiving was just less than a week away. Kat and Tess were both excited because their older brother would be returning home from college for the holiday. This would be his first time meeting Dominic.

Kat lay in her bed, exhausted even though she'd just woken up from a full night of peaceful sleep. She sighed at the prospect of getting out of bed, but she's promised Tess she would go shopping for Christmas gifts with her.

Her thoughts seem to materialize Tess as she barged into Kats' room without knocking and plunked herself on her bed. The unexpected motion caused Katrina's stomach to heave. "You look like shit." Tess noted as she observed her sister.

"No shit." Kat commented dryly as she pushed back the covers and attempted to stand. Her legs gave out from under her and she fell heavily back to the bed.

"Are you okay?" Tess asked as she grabbed hold of her arm.

"I'm alright. I think I just got up to fast." Kat stood more cautiously this time. "See." She smiled and turned to go take a shower. She made it three steps before she collapsed in a dead faint.

"Mom, Dad!" Tess yelled as she rushed to her sisters' side.

Tess could hear her parents footsteps' thundering up the stairs as they rushed to find out what was going on. Their mother was the first to burst through the door with their father hot on her heels. She clutched her chest at the sight of Kat passed out on the floor with Tess frantically trying to revive her. "What happened?" she demanded as she hurried to join her daughters on the floor, her Italian accent thick in her worry.

"I don't know. She just got up and then she fell." Tess answered as she watched her father check Kats' pulse.

He gently began patting her cheeks and calling her name once he found a steady pulsation. As Kat slowly began to come around Joyce went to go call her pediatrician.

"Hey, Kitten. You gave us a scare." Justin Sr. stated as Katrina opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"What happened?" She asked as she sat up.

"You fainted." Tess told her.

"Okay, I just got off the phone with Dr. Marvin." Joyce announced as she returned to the room holding the cordless receiver. "We're lucky. She just had a cancellation for her 10:00 appointment. If we hurry, we can fill the slot so she can check you out."

"But I'm fine." Kat swiftly responded panic stricken.

"Sweetheart, you just passed out on the floor. That is not fine." Her mother gave Kat her 'no nonsense' glare. "Tess, help her get dressed."

"It's probably just some vitamin deficiency. I doubt it's that serious." Kat attempted again as she tried not to think about what could be wrong with her, fearing the worst.

"All the more reason to go see Dr. Marvin." Joyce stated as she left to get dressed herself.


They had been sitting for hours in one of the small examination rooms. A nurse had come in already and checked Katrina's temperature and blood pressure. Dr. Marvin had Katrina provide her with blood and urine samples so that she could run further test. Now they waited patiently for the results. Tess finally excused herself in search of a vending machine and more space.

Kat struggled not to wring her hands in a nervous gesture. Her imagination was against her as she thought about all the possible STDs Randall could have given her. She felt her heart rate increase as Dr. Marvin finally returned with a sympathetic smile.

"The test results have come back, but I was hoping I could have a moment alone with Kat." Justin Sr. and Joyce exchanged a worried glance before they nodded and headed out.

Dr. Marvin closed the door behind them and sat on the rolling stool in front of Kat. "I received the results from your urine sample quite some time ago, but opted to wait until your blood work returned from the lab. I have to say, I'm very surprised."

Kat swallowed past the lump in her throat. "What's wrong with me?" she forced herself to ask.

"Katrina, you're pregnant."

Kats' vision swam as she tried to absorb the news. She sat for a few minutes simply staring at her pediatrician since birth before she could speak, "Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent positive. That's why I decided to wait on the blood work before I told you."

Kat felt her chest and throat tighten. "This can't be happening." She spoke almost to herself, not seeing anything.

"What I would like to know is why on God's green earth didn't you come to me for birth control when you decided to be sexually active?"

"I didn't." Kat whispered numbly as tears silently fell from her eyes. "It just ... kind of happened."

"Well now you're kind of pregnant." Kat could hear the disappointment tinging her voice. She didn't want to know how her parents would react to the news; how Dominic would react. "I've called upstairs and set up an ultra sound so we can determine exactly how far along you are."

"Almost three and a half months." Kat told her.

"Are you certain?" The physician asked skeptically.

"Positive." Katrina stuttered. "It was only time I've ... been with anyone."

"Well, we still need to do the ultra sound to check on the development of the fetus. I've set up an appointment for you with an excellent OBGYN." She paused from writing in Kats' file. "Would you like to tell your parents or shall I?"

"I'll tell them." Kat responded somberly.


"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Justin Sr. pounded the steering wheel as they sped through traffic. Katrina sobbed silently in the backseat. "What could you have fucking been thinking?" He shouted in his mothers' native tongue.

"I'm sorry." Katrina moaned through tears.

"Sorry?" He asked sarcastically. "Did all those talks about safe sex with you and your siblings mean nothing? Didn't we tell you to be safe rather than sorry?!"

"Honey, yelling at her is not going to change the fact that she's having a child." Joyce finally spoke up as Tess reached across the vehicle and took her older sisters hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm going to kill that fucking kid." Her father continued, referring to Dominic. This only caused Katrina to sob even harder.

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