Chapter 4

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 Dominic stopped at his locker to return his physics book before heading to the lunch room. He scanned the crowd repeatedly which was easy for him at his height. He was curious and worried about the beautiful red head with the sleepy eyes. He should have gotten her name at least, he mentally chastised himself. He heaved a sigh in frustration as he roughly closed his locker, ignoring the flock of girls clustered around him.

He ignored the batting eyelashes and the "innocent" bumps, the numbers being stuffed into his pockets. He was aware that he was handsome, but he wasn't cocky or conceited. Nor was he interested in any of the young girls in his new school. He did find a smile forming on his lips as an almost equally tall brunette sauntered her way towards him, skillfully maneuvering herself through the crowd of young girls that had him trapped by the bathroom asking for his personal information.

"Excuse me, ladies." The brunette said politely, but there was no mistaking the hidden command "Move the fuck away from him" that her under tone implied. She grabbed his hand and led him through the throng of girls towards the lunch room. "I can't take you anywhere with out you becoming to girls what the Pied Piper was to children." She said in mock annoyance.

Dominic wrapped an arm around his twins shoulder and laughed. "I can't help it if they find me irresistible!" he joked.

"And I'm sure you find them just as." Joslynn stated, pretending to give her older brother, by 2 minutes, a disapproving glare.

"Not so much. Although ..." Dominic trailed off.

"I knew it. Who is she?"

"I don't know. I didn't get her name, but she definitely took my breath away."

"You met a hottie and you failed to get her name and number? What's wrong with this picture?" Joslynn threw up her hands in a dramatic display.

"It wasn't like that. Some guy was messing with her ..."

"And let me guess! You played the white knight! That's classic."

"Well, what was I supposed to do? He was roughing her up and she looked scared. So small and so scared." Dominic thought back to the way she'd nodded when he asked if she'd been hurt, the lost look in her eyes. They entered the cafeteria and stood in line to receive their lunch.

"I hope this doesn't taste like dog food." His sister scrunched up her face as she watched the food being placed on the trays ahead of theirs. "It may look edible, but we both know that's not always the case!" She referred to their previous school.

"Yeah ..." Dominic barely heard her as he subconsciously began scanning the crown once again. He wasn't worried about sitting with the cool crowd. That was never his thing. If he chose to sit, talk or spend time with you in any way that meant you were cool enough for him. He was beginning to think that she left after their initial encounter when he spotted her sitting at an inconspicuous table with another girl. Relief flooded his system as he felt a smile once again tugging his lips.

He didn't know what it was about this girl that drew him to her, but he found his legs carrying him in her direction before his brain could process how he'd approach her. For a moment he felt panic well up in his chest. He'd never been at a loss for words before. This was extremely out of character for him. Before he had time to talk himself out of it though, he was standing at her table directly across from where she sat.

Jodie nudged Katrina, noticing him first. Katrina stopped playing with her food and looked at Jodie in annoyance, who nodded her head in the new comers' direction. Katrina raised her eyes and froze as Dominic smiled down at her.

"Hi. I didn't get an opportunity to introduce myself before. I'm Dominic."

Still frozen, Katrina didn't know how to respond. Jodie rolled her eyes and spoke for her, "This is Katrina and I'm her best friend, Jodie. Care to join us?"

Dominic didn't need a second invite and quickly sat down, never taking his eyes off of Katrina, who had lowered her gaze back to the food she was obviously not going to eat. "Katrina? That's a beautiful name."

"So how'd you two meet?" Jodie inquired when she saw that Katrina was mentally insane and not going to exchange dialogue with the gorgeous young man sitting before them.

"The pool!" Katrina blurted out unexpectedly. "He took a swim in the pool earlier , forgetting his watch and I found it when I ditched first period and was on my way to 'Lost and Found' when he came back to get it."

Dominic cocked his head to the side curiously, but he went along with her story. "Yeah. My dad would kill me if I lost another watch."

"You both ditched first period?" Jodie asked.

"I have a free period. I decided to take a swim this morning."

"You're new right? I'm pretty sure I'd remember seeing you around here. "Jodie flirted shamelessly.

"Actually, I am." Dominic blatantly ignored her advances and focused his attention on Kat. "That's why I came over here. You know, you saved my ass with the whole watch incident. I was hoping you'd be kind enough to also show me the ropes around here. I don't know where any of the hang outs are or anything."

"I don't hang out. I wouldn't be of any use to you." Katrina grabbed her book bag and began to rise.

Damn. Dominic thought as he realized he was losing her interest. "Well, it doesn't have to be hang outs. Just around town in general. All I know right now is how to get here and get home." He felt his sister take her place by his side.

"I'm really sorry, but I can't." Katrina walked off. Jodie smiled an apology and trotted off after her, but not before over hearing a fluffy blonde from the next table offer to show Dominic around. He promptly told her he already had a GPS.

"What the hell has been wrong with you lately? You have this amazing hunk just throwing himself at you and you just shut him down. What's wrong with this scene?" Jodie asked as she followed Kat into the halls.

"I'm not interested." Kat responded curtly. "He's not my type."

"Not you're type? Are you bullshitting me? That guy is a blind virgin Nun's type okay!" Jodie huffed in disbelief. She quickly shook her bangs out of her eyes and pursued an answer.

Katrina stopped and whirled on her friend, the frustration, anger and stress of the past week slipping through. "I said I wasn't interested damn it! If you think he's so hot then by all means, have at him!"

"I didn't say I wanted him. Besides, it clearly you he has his eye on. I'm just trying to figure out what your malfunction is. You've barely spoken to me since the party. Are you mad because I didn't give you a ride home? You were the one who chose to walk."

"Yes, I know that. And thank you so much for reminding me." Kat turned with tears in her eyes and walked off leaving Jodie more confused than ever.

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