Chapter 1

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 Katrina sat on the dingy, liquor drenched couch trying not to massage her temples yet again as the music seemed to resound not just around but also through her very being. She was as close to the arm of the sofa as she could get without falling off altogether. She looked at her watch for the umpteenth time in the last half hour. It seemed like the minutes were inching by as the couple next to her on the couch damn near had sex with their clothes on.

Every nook and cranny of the simple two story house was packed full of drunken teenagers. Rodney Whittaker was known for his outlandish parties and threw them where ever and whenever he could. This time, it just so happened to be at his best friend's cousin's house while the poor girls parents were out of town for the weekend.

It was a quarter to two in the morning and Katrina was exhausted. Her best friend, Jodie, had begged her to accompany her to this delightful shindig, promising to only stay for an hour, tops. It was now almost four hours later and Katrina was livid. As soon as they walked through the door, Jodie ditched her for her on again-off again boyfriend, Jared.

So there she sulked as she tried to wait patiently for her ride home. It was late and even though Katrina's own parents were out of town celebrating their 21st anniversary, she hated crowds and desperately wished she had stayed home in the comfort of her own bed. She noticed a young boy doing body shots off of the stomach of a topless girl as she stood. Kat shook her head and turned to find her best friend. As she vacated her seat, the two love birds quickly spilled over, filling the void she left, now spread completely across the sofa. As she walked she didn't notice, however, the eyes that followed her every move.

After twenty minutes of squeezing through the crowd, and an unending array of "Excuse me" or "Have you seen Jodie?", and unknown hands groping at her as she passed; she finally spotted Jodie in the kitchen with Jared. She sidled up along side of her and yelled over the music, "I need to get home!"

"Dude! What's the rush? Your donors aren't even there!" Jodie yelled back, clearly intoxicated. Kat knew there was no way she'd be able to drive her anytime soon and Jared wasn't a likely candidate to ask as his license was suspended for D.U.I. as it was.

"My little sister is and she's been home by herself for hours, Jodie. You promised we'd only be here for an hour. I'm ready to go so I'm leaving." Katrina angrily brushed her pepper red hair behind her ears, her bright aqua blue eyes shining with her annoyance.

"Okay, Jared will drive us home." Jodie leaned over as she sat on the counter top and accepted the full shot glass waiting in his open mouth with her own. She gulped down the fiery liquid. Katrina looked at the two of them as if they were insane. Jared wasn't much better than Jodie and she was quick to point it out. Jodie rolled her eyes as she responded, "So how do you plan on getting home?"

Katrina squinted her own eyes in disgust of her best friend. "I'll walk." With that she turned and began to make her way to the front door. Once outside she took a deep breath of fresh air and started her walk. As she passed the several cars crammed around the house, she began rethinking her mode of transportation; her legs. It was a good walk and the early morning fall air was rather nippy as the wind bit into her bare skin. She felt like a fool for not only letting Jodie talk her into going out, but for also letting her talk her into wearing this ridiculous skirt that was about four inches too short for her liking.

She futilely attempted to pull her skirt down as she walked. Finally she gave up and wrapped her chilled limbs around herself and trudged forward. She was about three blocks away from Hampton Park, where she intended to cut through to get home as it was the quickest route, when she heard foot steps behind her.

Mentally, she cursed herself and she quickened her pace. It could just prove to be her paranoid state of mind, but fear still began coursing through her as she heard the steps behind her speed up as well and she quickly ruled paranoia out. She thought she could hear someone calling out to her, but didn't stop to inquire. She had just broken out into a full run when she felt a hand clamp onto her arm just above her elbow. It spun her around to a face she didn't recognize. "Didn't you hear me calling to you?" the stranger asked her.

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