Chapter 19

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Draco's POV

I couldn't help smiling as I entered the Great Hall, to be honest I had been smiling all morning, and it was all thanks to one curly haired witch. I sat down next to Blaise, this was the happiest I had been in a very long time.

"What happened to you mate?" Blaise asked, giving me a funny look.

"Why, whatever do you mean dear Blaise?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Why are you so happy? You finally get laid?" He asked, a devilish smirk on his face.

"First, that's disgusting. Second, it's none of your business why I'm happy." I glared at him. Leave it to Blaise to turn my abnormally good mood into something perverted.

"There's the Draco I know. Anyway, where are you able to make the food for tonight? Or Did you burn down the Head Dorms?" Blaise asked teasingly, to which he received another glare.

"Yes luckily I had some help so the dorms are not a hazardous area."

"Oh? And who might I ask, helped you?" He gave me a knowing smirk.

"Oh you know, just someone." Could I have sounded any more suspicious?

"No, I don't know. Now quit beating around the bush and tell me!" He looked at me questioningly.

"If you must know, it was Granger." Stupid! He would never let me live this down. I inwardly groaned.

"Is that so?" I could tell something bad was coming.

"Just get the insults over, I am in a particularly good mood today and whatever you do isn't going to ruin that." Boy was I wrong....

"Trojan Man Trojan Man!

Answering questions from every sex having human!

He reads us like a neurotic GPS navigating us the better sex!

Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy! Trojan Man's always here to reply! !" Blaise started singing at the top of his lungs while twerking on the tables . I have never in my life been so embarrassed. Blaise seemed to have forgotten that we were in a public area, as he was literally belting out the Trojan Man song lyrics.

"Draco Malfoy everybody! We gotta teach him the ways of the world!" Now he had gone too far.

"Blaise shut up!" I yelled at him as everyone in the great hall started laughing hysterically. I fixed them all with a piercing glare. Luckily that seemed to shut them up. At least everyone but Blaise who continued singing the Trojan Man song. Why does he know what that is? I'll never know.

Eventually Blaise had the decency to shut the hell up. Thank Merlin, I swear that boy's lost his marbles.

"So, you and Granger eh." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. Just when I thought he was finally done. Ugh.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. Blaise just rolled his eyes.

"Did you invite her to the party?" He asked out of the blue.

"Um, yes?" I couldn't see the point in this question. I mean, she had helped me prepare all of the food so it would be kind of rude to not invite her.

"Then you know exactly what I am talking about." I looked at Blaise confusedly.


"Mate, I love you but you are seriously slow. You practically asked the girl on a date!" He looked excitedly at me.

"No I didn't, there will be at least a hundred other people there." Honestly, this guy's logic made absolutely no sense to me.

"So? You are gonna be there, and she is gonna be there. Eh, eh?" He winked at me.

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