Chapter 16

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Hermione's POV

Oh hell no. There is no way I just landed flat on top of Draco fucking Malfoy. But as I open my eyes I see that indeed that is the predicament. Malfoy seemed to have just noticed seeing as his eyes widened in horror. I immediately remembered the last time we were this close, which was actually just an hour ago when I had hugged him. When I held him I could feel his toned muscular body.

Remembering the current position that I was in I blushed. Surprisingly neither of us moved, it almost felt as if we were growing closer. Wait a minute, we were getting closer! And I was the one moving closer. What the HELL Hermione?! What are you doing?! Get off right now!

I didn't have enough time to act as someone else had now entered the room.

"What is going on here?! OH SHIT!!" I knew that voice all too well. It was the voice of professor Severus Snape. Draco and I immediately flew apart, both of us blushing furiously.

"I will have you know that this kind of behavior will not be allowed in my classroom!"

"Sev! What's going on in there?" Dumbledore shouted. He looked over to me and Draco. "Oh please say they were making out." He whined.

"They seemed to have spilled a potion on the floor, resulting in this." He motioned his hand in our direction.

"Ugh. Can't you two just get together already. I am so gonna lose that bet to Minerva." Dumbledore sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Albus, can you please leave my classroom." Snape ordered.


I looked over to Draco nervously. He seemed to be confused about the current conversation he had witnessed. To be honest, I was too.

Draco's POV

The second Dumbledore left the classroom I knew my life was over. Not only had I been caught on top of Hermione Granger, but I had been caught by Severus Snape. Just the glare he was giving me was enough to kill me. I looked over at Hermione to see she was just as scared.

"Ms. Granger, would you excuse Mr. Malfoy and myself for a moment please?" Snape asked Hermione, though it wasn't really a question as much as an order.

"Of course professor," she politely stepped out of the classroom. The only thing I could think was how could you abandon me? There was little doubt my corpse would be found in the quidditch field by next week.

"Mr. Malfoy, I should hope you wouldn't mind explaining just exactly what happened here?" Snape raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Yes well-erm what happened was I picked up an open bottle of a potion called 'slippin fun' and it spilled everywhere. And then I sort of fell, Granger tried helping me but she also fell. Then we both tried getting up but we ended up falling on top of each other." I explained with a gulp.

"Ah, I see. Next time try to use common sense and don't pick up open bottles, would you?" Snape said and waved me off. I was completely shocked, Snape had never been so forgiving EVER!!! Why the sudden change of heart? I expected screaming, parents being notified, or at least another detention.

Either way I was definitely pleased to have avoided the full wrath of Snape. I walked out of the classroom, still sporting my shocked face, to find a nervous Granger biting her nails. She looked at me eyes wide.

"What happened?" She asked, I could tell she was checking me for any wounds.

"He told me to use common sense next time and not pick up open bottles." I said, shaking my head as we began walking back to the head dorms.

"What?! Are you sure that was really Snape?" She said with a look of shock much like my own.

"Considering the slow pace of his voice I would say yes, I'm sure it was him." to that she just rolled her eyes.

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" I asked, a small smirk crossed her lips.

"Well I actually have a date," She said obviously trying not to blush. For some reason this triggered me to feel an emotion I didn't recognize. But I hid it by continuing to talk to her.

"Oh, who's the unlucky fella?" I asked jokingly, I guess I joke when I try to hide emotions.

"Thank you for that last remark, he's someone I think you know, he was at the Slytherin party. Theodore Nott." That name made my left eye twitch, how on earth had Theo managed to ask her out? More importantly, why did it bother me so much?

"Anyway, I have to go get prepared for the date, see you later!" she said waving before walking off excitedly, completely oblivious to my discontent.

Hermione's POV


"Hey Hermione!" An unfamiliar voice called me from behind.

A tall brown haired boy stepped out of the crowd, I was assuming he was the one who called me.

"Hi, I'm Theodore Nott. I met you at the Slytherin quidditch party, don't feel bad if you don't remember me, you had quite a bit to drink." The boy rambled, obviously nervous.

"Nice to meet you again, Theodore." I greeted holding out my hand. He smiled.

"Please, call me Theo."

"Anyway, this may seem strange but would you like to go out with me sometime? Again totally understand if you say no, you hardly know me after all. Wow, I am really convincing aren't I?" He gulped looking hopefully at me. I certainly wasn't expecting him to ask me out.

"Sure, I would love to. And even though I barely know you, isn't that what dates are for?" I joked.

"Right, well is tomorrow good for you?" He asked, he definitely seemed relieved.

"Sure, 8:30 okay for you?"

"Yes definitely, see you then!"

End of flashback

I sat on the couch, it was 8:25 and Theo would be here any minute. I heard the door open and looked up hopefully. But it was just Draco. Although he did look smoking hot, he had gotten home an hour ago, muttered something about taking a shower and then disappeared into the bathroom. He came out in a t-shirt and jeans, the shirt clung to his frame, accenting his muscular chest. And his hair was still wet and hung loosely in front of his eyes. Merlin Hermione, what the hell are you doing checking out Draco Malfoy right before a date.

"Evening Granger, Theo's not here yet? No pun intended." He asked, to which I let out a small giggle.

"No but he will be soon, we planned for 8:30." He nodded.

I waited a few more minutes until someone finally knocked on the door. I couldn't help running to the door, and I noticed Draco laugh slightly at my excitement. I opened the door to see Theo, he was wearing a black suit and grey tie.

"Hello Theo, nice to see you." I tried to suppress the thoughts about the extremely attractive Malfoy at the other end of the room.

"You as well Hermione, you ready?"

"Yup, see you later Draco. Don't wait up!" I yelled as we walked out the door. Hopefully I wouldn't spend the whole date thinking about Draco.

A/N Don't hate me, she won't end up with Theo. I just added that for some more juiciness. Don't fret though it won't last. Ps. Get ready for more upcoming Dumbledore weirdness. Thanks for reading! 😈

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