Chapter 2

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Despite my better judgement I was at the door to McGonagall's office arriving at her head's meeting. Just before opening the door I heard Hermione's voice.

"Just out of curiosity, who is the head boy this year?"

"Well that would be-" McGonagall was cut off by my entrance.

"Me." I finished. I couldn't pass up the very dramatic entrance. I looked to my left and saw Granger sitting uncomfortably, it was like she was frozen in her seat.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind enlightening us on why you are so late?" McGonagall fixed me with a questioning stare.

I wanted to say 'Well after Granger jumped me on the train, I took a long stroll around Hogwarts to think about my life.'

"Oh uh-I got lost?" I responded instead, unconvincingly.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "Work on your alibi for next time. Take a seat Mr. Malfoy."

I slid into the seat next to Granger. She certainly had become very beautiful. Had her eyes always been so wonderfully amber?

While Hermione and McGonagall continued talking about rules and things, I thought back to what had happened in the train earlier that day.

I had been late because my father had kept me at the prison until dark trying to convince me to betray Hogwarts. Of course I had overslept so when I had finally gotten to the train the only seat left had been with Granger. I had stood at the door to her seat for a couple of minutes until she had finally looked up and flinched in horror.

"Hello Malloy." If looks could kill I would be very much dead.

"Granger, nice to see you as always" I said sourly. "Mind if I sit?" I asked.

"Aren't there any other seats with Slytherin, or anywhere else really?" She said, brimming with rage. After a few more angry comments were fired my way I decided to give up.

"Nevermind, I'll find a seat somewhere else," I said, getting a seat here was obviously a lost cause.

"Wait-I guess there is some room here" She said.

After I sat down, relieved that I had found a seat, Granger and I had an odd conversation about Hogwarts: A History.

It was actually not a horrible time until Granger had caught her foot on her book bag and fallen onto my lap. I had sat very still and awkwardly for a couple of seconds, Granger hadn't moved either. She just sat there, on my lap.

"Uh Granger, are you planning on moving off of my lap anytime soon?" I asked her uncomfortably . She muttered some incoherent noises before awkwardly moving off of my lap. Ugh, I shuttered as I remembered the encounter.

"Also, I should probably mention that you two will have to share the same quarters as Head girl and boy." I was torn away from my thoughts by McGonagall's voice. Nooo! I thought to myself. Looking over at Granger I could conclude that she was thinking the exact same thing. Now this was definitely going to be my most awkward year at Hogwarts.

"Well I think that about wraps up the meeting, you two are excused," McGonagall said while standing up to show me and Granger to the door. After the words were said Granger practically leapt out of her chair, obviously very eager to get out of being in the same room with me. But unfortunately in her haste she had forgotten her bag.

"Mr. Malloy, I don't suppose you would mind taking Miss. Granger's bag to her would you?" McGonagall fixed me with a questioning stare.

"Uh-of course not headmistress," I said quickly while picking up the bag. After leaving the headmistress's office I ran into Granger, she had probably noticed her bag was still in there by now.

"Is this what you're looking for? "I asked her with a slight smirk.

"Actually yes," she said, a bit of discomfort showing in her eyes. "Uh-thank you," she said while turning to leave.

"Are you going to check out our new quarters?" I asked just when she was about to walk down the stairs.

"No, I am meeting with Harry and Ron in the Great hall. They will probably have a lot of questions for me about being head girl." She said with a pause. I internally laughed at the thought of Granger telling Mr. Perfect and sidekick Weasley she would be sharing quarters with me. The very idea of it would probably make Harry and Ron writhe in agony.

"Well, see you later," I said cheerfully. The thought of Harry and Ron's reaction was enough to cheer me up.

"Great, bye!" Granger said while running down the stairs.

"By-," I was about to finish when I realized she was already gone. Great to know that I repulse someone so much that they could increase their speed to superhuman just to get away from me.

I sighed and slumped against the wall. Less than a day and this was already shaping up to be another horrible year at Hogwarts.

I know the chapters are short but they should be getting longer as the story progresses. 

What are your guys' Hogwarts houses?  I'm a Slytherin and my Co-Writer is a Raven claw!

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