Chapter 14

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Dumbledore's POV (my personal fav)

"Where are my girls at? I need some serious gossip talk right now?" I said barging into the teachers lounge. Mcgonagall, Poppy, Snape, and Sibil were sitting there in the middle of a heated conversation. They all got up immediately and made their way over to me excitedly.

"Everybody in my office immediately." I said, leading them out of the room.

"Alright everybody, let's spill some hot tea." I screeched excitedly.

"Don't keep us waiting, get to it already!" Snape said gesticulating crazily.

"Okay, jeez Sev chill."

"Guess who I am, hard core shipping now."

"Who?!" They all said simultaneously.

"One word Dramione"

"Oh my god yes!!!!!" Poppy said, jumping up and down enthusiastically.

"Finally the couple of the century!" Mcgonagall screamed.

"I know right? Look, I just had these customly made!" I said waving small flags that said Dramione for ev.

"Ugh not this again, I know you ship it but I am still reeling over the death of Framoine." Sev said, wiping a tear from his eye. I of course was sad about the recent engagement of Fred Weasley but it just wasn't the same thrill of Dramione.

"Of course Sev, I will honor your insane theories. But that will not stop me from forcing Dray and Mione to make beautiful grandchildren that they will have to name after me.

"Oh push off."

"Anyway, I just told Draco that he would have to take care of Hermione for the next week including sleeping in the same room with her and walking her to all her classes!" I announced proudly while pouring us all some glasses of firewhiskey.

"Good lord Dumble your bad." Mcgonagal said, downing her glass of firewhiskey.

"I know, don't you just love it?"

Hermione's POV

I sat awkwardly next to Malfoy at the table, I was sure everyone in the school had seen us by now. I felt like I was under a microscope.

"So Malfoy, what are you planning on doing with your life after we graduate?" Harry asked out of the blue.

"Uh- well my father wants me to take over the family business but I was thinking about training to become a healer instead." Malfoy answered looking extremely confused.

"A healer? Wow I would never have pegged you as a taking care of people type. What with you having everything handed to you on a silver spoon your whole life." Ron sneered.

"Oh shove off Ronald no one asked for your opinion." I retorted, glaring at him.

"Are you seriously defending the ferret?" Ron asked, a look of astonishment on his face.

"Okay I'm sorry for interrupting but why does everybody insist on calling me a ferret? I mean is it supposed to be an insult? Because I actually find ferrets quite cute." Malfoy suddenly decided to butt into the conversation.

No one responded to him, me and Ron just continued glaring at each other.

"I think I've had enough of this affair, Draco you ready to go?" Granger said standing up.

"Whatever you want," I said standing up with her, and for some stupid reason I decided to pick up her bookbag for her.

"Oh you got ferret boy doing your bidding now? Aw, are you two a cute little couple now?" I heard Ron sneer from behind us. I looked to see if Granger would retaliate in any way but she just grinded her teeth and kept walking.

"Mental that one, it's a wonder she gets anyone to stand within ten feet of her." That was enough to send Granger over the edge. Like a bolt of lightning she was a foot away from Weasley, and then there was a screech of pain. I couldn't believe my eyes, Hermione Granger had just punched Ron Weasley. He was holding his nose while blood poured onto the ground. As a victim of one of Granger's punches I could understand the pain Weasel must have been feeling.

"Okay, now I am ready to go." She said walking back to me. I just stared at her in shock. I wasn't the only one, most people in the hall were watching us in horor.

"R-right, let's go." I stuttered. We walked out of the hall, Granger stayed silent until we were outside.

"I just have to ask, what the hell was that? I mean Weasel was being an ass but still." I asked her exasperatedly.

"I don't know, it's just something I've wanted to do for a while." She shrugged.

"How long is a while?"

"Let's see. Since 4th year I guess. He got all jealous that I went to the Yule ball with Krum, and he was not silent about that fact."

"I can see that, although to be fair, who wasn't jealous that night?" As soon as those last words eft my mouth the only thing I could think was stupid!

"What?" Oh great going Draco now you've freaked the poor girl out.

"I just mean, you looked really beautiful that night." I gulped.

"Oh, thank you." She blushed which made me smirk.

"Hey Draco?" Granger asked me. I felt strangely warm inside after she called me 'Draco' instead of Malfoy.

"Yeah?" I fixed her with a questioning stare.

"You know that day in third year when I punched you?" She said nervously.

"How could I forget, you broke my nose." I laughed at the memory.

"Well-I'm sorry for that," Granger looked at the floor quietly. I felt a wave of shock hit me. Was Hermione Granger really apologizing to me?

"Don't mention it, I was being a right ass. I would have punched me too." Granger let out a small laugh.

"Okay I'm glad you forgive me." She said smiling. Then she did something neither of us expected. She stopped in the middle of a hallway just outside of Professor Snape's classroom and raped me in a big hug.

I stood there stunned for a minute, I didn't know how to respond. After a couple of seconds she pulled back looking a little surprised herself. She smiled awkwardly and walked into Snape's office leaving me standing in the hall like an idiot. I also noticed several people who must have witnessed the entire scene.

"Quit staring! Get on with your lives!" I yelled at them before heading into the classroom and sitting next to Granger. I listened absently to Snape drone one about the many purposes of Polyjuice potion, trying not to think about how hot Granger looked in her uniform.

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