Chapter 17

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @voldyslilhelper. Congratulations you have scared me to no end.

Professor nick-names:

Minerva Mcgonagall=Minnie

Madam Pomfrey=Pom Pom

Madam Pince=Pincey-pince

Rolanda Hooch=Hoochy

Rubeus Hagrid=Haggy bo baggy

Dumbledore=D-dog or the man or Dumble or Un-humble Dumble

Draco's Pov

I watched as Hermione greeted Theo at the door, I couldn't help but glare at him. I hadn't forgotten our little chat at the party. I told Theo to stay away from Hermione and yet here he was, taking her out to Merlin knows where. I still couldn't place the emotion I was feeling about the matter and why I was feeling it for that matter.

Rage? No. Depression? No. Disgust? Maybe, but that's not all of it. Jealousy? ......

No, no, no, it couldn't be jealousy. Could it? I looked at Hermione again, she was beautiful there was no denying that. From her chest length wavy brown hair, to her cute button nose. Then it hit me like a bludger to the head.

I was in love with Hermione Granger. I was forced to remember all of the moments we had shared through that year, swimming in the lake, drinking together at the Slytherin party, walking in on her in the bathroom, and most recently, falling on top of eachother in the potions classroom. I was torn from my thoughts by a voice.

"See you later Draco. Don't wait up!" Hermione yelled before walking through the door. I was left with my thoughts and a growing hatred of Theo.

Hermione's POV

Unfortunately, just as I had feared I spent the whole date thinking about Draco, I had probably only caught two words of the conversation we had. I had never been so relieved to see my door in my life. Theo was a perfectly nice guy, bit of a perv. I just couldn't focus on him.

"I had a great time tonight, see you around Hermione."

"See you, and I had a good time too." I lied, I had a nice time but it wasn't the best date I've ever had.

"Bye!" Theo waved before turning towards the Dungeons. I walked into the dorm and shut the door, letting out an exasperated breath. Not from nerves but from having to fake interest in everything we talked about.

"That good huh?" Draco asked with a devilish smirk on his lips.

"Yes, our activities just exhausted me." Draco looked horrified. "I'm just kidding. It was honestly a terrible date." He smirked. "Oh don't look so pleased."

"I wasn't looking pleased, I was just practicing my famous Malfoy smirk."

"Sure, whatever. I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow." I said, making my way to my room, trying again not to think about Draco in his quidditch uniform.

The one, the only Dumbledore's POV

I still couldn't believe Sev had the audacity to kick me out of his classroom, didn't he know how I ship Dramione? How could he force me to leave during such a great and embarrassing moment? I would get back at him for that, oh mark my words Sev would pay.

"Where's my posse? Minnie, Pom Pom, Hoochy, Pince, Lockheart, let's roll, we got tea to spill." I said as I walked into the teacher's lounge. They all got up and scurried over to me. Including Sev. The nerve!!

"Sev, I don't recall asking you to accompany me." I said an evil smile on my wrinkly but awesome face.

"Are you serious?!" But it's a salon and movie night! I need to have my perm redone for the weekend!" Sev protested.

"No I'm Dumbledore, and as for salon night, you have been uninvited. I will notify you when you have been re-accepted into the Hogwarts DA gossip talk club." I brushed off Sev and with a whip of my beard the rest of us were off.

We went to the room of requirement, it had turned into a movie theater/salon lounge. There was candy, popcorn, tapes, and everything we needed for our hair and nails (including stylists).

"Come on Dumble! Spill the tea! Don't keep us waiting!" Minerva said impatiently.

"All in good time my dear Minnie, everyone sit down and tell the stylists what you want then we will gossip." I told the eager women and Gilderoy.

"I want pink and green neon highlights!" screamed Minnie to the stylist.

"I want my nails to have a picture of a unicorn fighting Lucius Malfoy!" Madam Pomfrey said excitedly.

" I want my nails to say DRAMIONE in all caps, and I want to dye my hair and beard tie-dye with neon pink, light pink, and neon orange!" I added into the bustling of hair dye and nail polish crazed professors and Gilderoy.

"So get to the tea already!" Somehow all of the professors said in unison.

"Alright alright, here we go get ready!" I started, they all looked eagerly at me. "I just caught Draco and Hermione flat on top of eachother in the potions classroom!!!! Can you believe it?! They were just seconds away from kissing before Sev had to interrupt them, damn him. But anyway Dramione has definitely taken a new step in their relationship."

"OMG I can't believe this! YAYYYYYYY!!!" Minnie shouted at the top of her lungs while doing the duggee.

"Ikr? Let me explain it in more detail," I began. "First I walked in to see them on top of eachother-"

A/N Sorry Dumbledore wasn't as weird in this 

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