Chapter 13- Is That So Wrong?

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Content warning: language

*Mikey's Point of View*

I wonder what could be so pressing that Kenny felt the need to meet up with me at a time like this. It was really sweet of "(Y/n)" to be so understanding, not minding at all. But still... he helped me arrange everything tonight. He knows how crazy excited I've been to spend the night with her. Whatever it is, it must be really important. 

"Listen, I know how excited you've been about tonight. I'm sorry for intruding like this, but you know I wouldn't have called you unless it was a serious matter." Kenny began to explain. 

"It's fine Kenny, I got your back. You're my number one for a reason. Now talk, what's going on?" 

"Before you get pissed, just listen to all of what I have to say, okay?"

"...Alright, I'll listen to everything you have to say. Go on."

"Apparently there's been rumours already that you have a love interest. My guess is, is that someone observed how close you guys were last night and decided to keep tabs on the two of you. Word is, your girl over there can do more than just fight, she's got a lot of strength and talent. After everyone bailed as the cops showed up at the party last night, whoever it was that was watching you two, spent the day following her around. She spent hours training, as they observed her. We have no idea who this person is, what they want or who they follow, but I'm guessing they're going to approach her sooner or later."

Staring at the ground, your face filling with rage as your entire body began to shake.

"How the hell do you know this?" you asked your best friend, blinded by rage as your hands turned into tight fists.  

"Someone approached Takemichi a few blocks from his place, and told him:
The leader of Toman better hold onto his girl before "the boss" gets his hands on her first. After all, her clothes made her body hilariously open, and vulnerable, as she was mostly all alone, training. Not a cell phone in sight to call him in case of emergencies."

'Oh no, Takemichi was involved, and he barely knows how to fight. He does have guts though' you thought to yourself. "Did Takemichi get hurt?" 

"No, he's completely fine. He tried to question them, but whoever it was, took off. Takemichi tried to chase him down, but couldn't keep up. That punk's got guts." Kenny finished. 

At this point, the two of you were far enough away from "(Y/n)" that she not only wouldn't be able to hear your conversation, but she also wouldn't have any way of sensing any tension whatsoever. 

"Something about this isn't right. It makes no sense for them to take off after Takemichi tried to question them. It's like their purpose was to send you a message and get you riled up. Mikey answer me something, how did tonight go? How strongly do you feel for this girl?" his questions almost felt borderline offensive.  

You than took a moment to breathe, not letting your nerves get the best of you. 

"Kenny... you've helped me so much tonight. With everything. Thank you for being like a brother to me, you're my very best friend. You always ask the hard questions, don't you?" you stated. 

"Always, Mikey. Like I would ever let you down." the side of Kenny's mouth quickly moved as he gave you a smirk. The expression in his eyes made you feel like your total self around him. 

"I don't know what it is, but... there's something about this girl that I can't explain. I already feel so connected to her. She's just... she's perfect for me in every way. Everything has happened so fast, but I don't care. She's mine now, she belongs to me. Officially. And I don't have any intentions of that changing. Does that answer your question, Kenny?"

Your best friend looked back at you, with approving eyes, letting a smile grow on his face. The man standing in front of you was always there, through highs and lows, always sticking it out with you no matter what. You were indebted to him, yet thankful he was always in your world.

"You're in love. And so, she's yours. Congratulations Mikey, I'm happy for you. Hey, maybe there's still time for her to make an honest man out you, yet." he laughed out loud, the sounds he made were genuine as he rested his right hand on his stomach. 

"Oh shut up, Kenny! So experienced you are, eh?" you joked back. 

"Oh come on Mikey, you know I'm fucking around. But in all seriousness, what do you think we should do about this?" 

You looked back at "(Y/n)" in the distance, frustrated that this had to happen, especially because everything was so new and fresh. Not the start you had foreseen, but you would learn to accept it. You genuinely did not want to ruin a single thing; therefore, you really needed to think this through carefully, so you don't screw everything up. 

"There's nothing we really can do. I don't want to get closer to her just for the sake of her protection. That feels really wrong. If I grow closer with her, it'll be because I want that to happen. What do you suggest Kenny?" 

He look puzzled for a moment. "I don't think she's weak at all. I say we either tell her what's going on, or we find our own leads and take care of this ourselves." 

"Even if we do tell her, we will still have to deal with them one way or another, and in the end she'll be disgusted with me. This is so fucked up." 

"Mikey." Kenny placed his hand on your shoulder. "There isn't a single person I know who is stronger than you. You're a good leader. You have your share of trauma, but everything you fight for, believe in... is outstanding. The choice is yours, and yours alone. But just make sure that whatever you decide, you can live with the actions, or possibly even consequences, that take place afterward. You got that?" 

"I only just found her. And I'm happy. Is that so wrong? After every miserable god damn thing I have ever gone through, can I just catch a break for once!" you shouted, your voice cracked, as a single tear threatened to come to surface. Looking up, you met a stare just as full of sorrow as yours was. You already knew your answer, but you needed to hear those thoughts out loud in order to find solace. 

"There's not a damn thing in the entire world that's wrong with that. You hear me Mikey? Not a single fucking thing! Don't even entertain such a thought. These bastards will pay. I promise you."

You took in Kenny's words as you felt like you had a true counterpart you could always rely on, feeling really great that someone so strong-willed, tough and as down to earth, as him. No matter what, you would always care for him more than you could ever possibly explain. 

The two of you started to head back to where "(Y/n)" was waiting, the moonlight dancing on the features of her body, and her face. She looked like a real life angel, your terrible mood starting to lift the moment her eyes locked in with yours. 

'The way she blushes when I look at her... the way the tops of her ears flush a light shade of pink... she's so pure, and so sweet. I've never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as she is, I'd fight for her anyday.' You thought to yourself, your feelings replacing the anger and sorrow you felt just minutes ago. 

With your best friend on your left, and your lover in front of you, you felt completely in your element, like nothing could beat you as long as you had these two amazing people in your life. 

The Girl (Tokyo Revengers x Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now