Chapter 2- The Dream

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You had no idea where you were, or who you were with. You had begun to walk along a pier, the sky as dark as space, lights all around you like tiny stars off in the distance. Your hand had touched a rope attached to several wooden posts anchored in the dock, the texture of the big bulky tether made your finger tips eager at the sensation of the twisting material sent in an endless spiral. You looked all around you, breathing in the briny scented air, listening to waves crash down below, trying to figure out how you got here.

Your curiosity was broken the moment your gaze met two men you seemed to be loosely following behind. The man on the left being tall, very muscular, blonde hair kept in a neat braid, while the sides and back of his scalp shaven. What stood out the most about this man was the appearance of a tattoo placed on the left side of his head; the image of a dragon reaching from his temple all the way down to his neck. 

To your right, the man standing there looking back at you, was a lot shorter in height, also having blonde hair except his hair was let down, flowing in the breeze more freely, the top of his locks tied back. He smiled at you, while keeping his hands in his pockets, his expression nothing short of calm and content. You stood there feeling happy, yet ultimately confused. 

The sound of your alarm quickly sent you on edge, bringing you back to reality. You quickly grew annoyed, grabbing your phone and hitting "snooze", desperately wanting another fives minutes of peace. You swore you had just closed your eyes, yet the vibrations and loud sounds continued to rage. You angrily grabbed your phone, dismissing your alarm, tossing the device across the room. You laid there for a second, thinking about what you just did. 

Shit shit shit, did I really just do that! Please don't be smashed, what the hell is wrong with me! You thought to yourself as you leapt out of your bed, rushing to your phone to make sure it wasn't completely destroyed. With a bit of luck on your side, it was completely in tact. Truthfully, this isn't the first time you had thrown your phone out of annoyance; cracking the screen in the past. After getting it fixed, you learned your lesson and bought an Otter Box phone case. 

You sat back down on your bed, trying to remember remnants of your dream last night. You didn't think much of it, knowing to be patient with yourself as details would more than likely come back to you later during the day. Picking your laptop off the floor and placing it back on your desk, you reached for your towel and toiletries, getting ready to make your way to the bathroom. 

"Good morning "(Y/n)" crack another screen again I take it?" your roommate asked, letting out a soft laugh and a smile. 

"Hello hello, good morning "(h/n)"! Ha-ha no I did not surprisingly. I'm so glad I bought this phone case when I did, it saved me. Also, I'm going to grab a quick shower, I won't be long, just a heads up." 

"Yeah no worries, knock yourself out. I actually have to leave in a few minutes, I'll be out of town with the boyfriend looking at some places. I might be not home till tomorrow so please don't worry about me, okay!" 

"Okay cool, sounds good! And hey, good luck with the house hunting today, I have a feeling you guys will have some good fortune. Let me know how it goes? And be safe." 

"You're so sweet, thank you so much. I definitely will let you know! Now have a good shower, I'll text you later." 

Your roommate was a really kind, loving soul that you had grown very fond of throughout high school. She had devoted herself to her relationship for the past year, and was ready to take the next step and move in with her partner; even though you were extremely happy for her, you knew the impending doom of missing her dearly was fast approaching. Nevertheless, you remained supportive, knowing she deserved the world. 

You closed the door to the bathroom, not locking it in case she forgot anything inside. 
The more you thought about how all the good times you two had in school, it made the thought of having graduated this previous year, so surreal. High school was okay, you passed every course with mediocre grades- not that you truly cared about that so much. All you seemed to orbit around was your love of martial arts, keeping up with training, and sticking to your dreams. You weren't exactly popular back than, but you did alright for your reputation; having an alluring body that most girls your age didn't develop yet, being an exceptional conversationalist, and choosing your friends wisely based on morals and trust. You always thought of yourself as a straight forward person, so you made your behaviour reflect that trait. 

As you washed your body, your remembered more bits and pieces of your dream. 
"I suddenly have the urge to go swimming. Have you guys ever gone skinny dipping at night?" you asked the two mysterious men ahead of you. Nothing made sense, so you pushed it at the back of your mind. Besides, not all dreams typically make sense, right?

You turned the water off, stepping outside of the shower, wrapping your towel around your body and headed back towards your room. You usually started your days off with breakfast and going for a run, but today you decided to start off by heading towards the mall, worrying about food later in the day. You were over due for getting a few new outfits, and catching up on your missing volumes of manga from Shonen Jump. You especially loved Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen and Hunter x Hunter. Today was going to be a self-date kind of occasion, and you needed that big time. 

After getting dressed, you grabbed your bag, throwing in your phone, keys and water as you headed out the door. It was already beautiful outside today, the temperature hitting 25 degrees, the sky a vibrant shade of blue, clouds moving slowly as the sun kissed your cheeks. You smiled as you opened the door to your Toyota Prius, already knowing what song to play as soon as you got in. Opening YouTube, you selected "Feels Like Summer" by an artist named Childish Gambino, and rolled the windows down. 

Today, you simply felt happy. 

The Girl (Tokyo Revengers x Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now