Chapter Five

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***Chloe's Point of View***

"Yes?--- Yes! OMG YES!!!"
"Uh-huh. Ok"
"Next Week? Alright."
"Thanks. Bye"

I hung up the phone, then I started squealing. I heard rush footsteps coming towards me. The door of my room opened, and I saw Mom. She looks so worried, its probably because of my squealing. I smiled at her, and she glared at me.

"Mom. Im quitting my job" I said

"Quitting!?!!! Why!!?" Mom asked in anger

"I got a new job. A better job" I answered

She looked at me, confused. I walked towards Mom, I grabbed her hand, then we both sat down on my bed.

"Greg Nicotero just called me"

"What? NO WAY! Are you joking!?"

"No. Im not joking, Mom"

"What day is today? Wait. Is it April Fools! Is it April 1st today?" Mom asked

"No. Mom. Its not April Fools"

"Wheres the camera? Is this one of your stupid pranks again! Wheres the camera Chloe!!"

"Oh my goodness! Mom! Im serious!"

Mom studied me for a minute. I put my serious face on, then I nodded at her. Mom gasp, when she finally realized that Im not lying.

"Why did he call? What did he said?" Mom asked

"He said that Im going to be Norman Reedus's Assistant." I said

"Assistant. Personal Assistant?" Mom asked

I squealed again, then I bounced up and down on my bed. I cant believe it. The FanMail worked! Norman Reedus read my FanMail. Im gonna be Norman Reedus's personal fucking assistant. I looked at Mom again, then I gave her a big smile and an awkward thumbs up. Mom's face is really in shock.

"No way!" She said

I nodded. Then I hop down the bed and I held both of her hands.

"I am so happy for you!" Mom said.

She hugged me, and I hate hugs, so then I slowly pulled away.

"When are you going to start?" She asked

"On Monday."

Mom clapped her hands. "Nice" she mumbled. Then she slowly walked out of the room, still in shock about my good news.

Then I grabbed my phone. I texted my manager, that Im quitting my job in the grocery store, and in less than a minute she replied. She said that she will miss me and shes happy that I got a new job. "Pfft" I rolled my eyes. Miss? Shes gonna miss me? Ha. What a liar.

I lay down on my bed, I sighed then I closed my eyes. Oh Monday, Please hurry up.


(The next day. Sunday)

**Ring Ring**

I reach for my phone, I looked at the time and its 9:00pm, Sunday. I rubbed my eyes, and I saw three missed calls from Greg Nicotero. Shit. What the heck does he want? Am I working today? Tomorrow is Monday. Wait. I thought Im working tomorrow. oh whatever! Ill just call him. Then I called him back. It rang twice, and he picked it up.

"Hi Greg! Im sorry, my phone was on silent" I lied

"Thats ok. Norman and I are in iHop right now, and Im just wondering if you want to join us" Greg said

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