Chapter 36:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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I push the door to my bedroom open with my toe, trying to balance so I wouldn't spill any food as I did so. After just a bit of struggling, I manage to make it past the door.

I find Saint on my bed, drying his wet hair from having just taken a shower and memories from last night of us drying each other's hair hits me. Shaking my head with a smile, I walk forward and put the food I had made in front of Saint before climbing onto the bed in front of him.

He stares at the plate of food before looking at me sideways. "I could've came downstairs, you didn't have to—"

"Shut up." I cut him off. "I don't do this for everybody, you know?" I push the plate of eggs I had made towards him.

"I should feel special then, huh?" He smiles a little. "You are always trying to shove food down my throat. Especially at school."

I nod my head. "Very. Now hurry up and eat."

He picks up the fork and I watch him, nervous, but he stops. "What about you? Did you eat?"

"I had a glass of milk downstairs." 

He isn't impressed. "You need to eat breakfast, Aspen. That stuff about it being the most important meal of the day is true."

Don't first name me sir, excuse you.

I wave him off. "I'll eat later, I promise I will, but you eat your eggs now. Before they get cold."

He stares at me with a frown and doesn't move for long. For fuck's sake. I scowl at him before taking his fork, stabbing a piece of egg, and shoving it into his mouth. His eyes grow wide in shock as I grin satisfactorily.

Handing him back his fork, I watch him fight back his own smile as he chewed the food slowly.

"Is it too salty?" I ask. "Too little salt? Does it taste like rubber? I'm not great at cooking but I tell myself I can handle making eggs. Is it okay?"

"It's perfect, thank you, Wilson." He assures me, taking another bite.

"You're very welcome." I push the glass of orange juice his way. "I was gonna get you apple juice but I remembered that you're one of the disgusting human being's that prefer orange juice over apple juice, so here."

"Apple juice is disgusting though. It looks like pee and tastes like what I imagine pee would taste like."

I roll my eyes. "It's better than orange juice right after you've brushed your teeth. Now that's nasty."

He only chuckles at that, lifting his glass of gross orange juice and drinking it. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before continuing on eating his food.

We sit in silence from there on. I pay attention to my phone, but glance at him occasionally just for the heck of checking in. I was still worried about him, about how he was feeling. About freaking Hanna.

He had this dull look in his eyes, almost similar to the very first time I'd met him. His expression was monotone, barely any signs of life to it. He'd give me a few smiles, but they weren't quite right. They were half smiles or forced and simply wants genuine. Saint has a Disney World kind of smile, if it makes sense. A smile that's an ethereal kind of beautiful, and is familiar, but it's rare to see at the same time.

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