Chapter 11:

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"Hit the gas! Go faster, slowpoke! They're winning!" Kesam shouts at me, shuffling like crazy in her seat as she smushes her face against the window.

"They're on a motorcycle bitch, of course they're going to win!" I yell back, making a sharp left turn. "Plus, we're trying not to make it obvious we're following them so shut up and let me drive slow!"

"That's boring!"

"You wanna live to see tomorrow? You're going to have to deal with boring—"

"Turn, turn, turn!"

I turn to the right sharply and try to slow down, following from a safe distance as the motorcycle zooms ahead and through the roads.

"This was a bad idea." I mutter when after a few miles of following, I notice the bike start to slow down. "A very not so smart idea."

"Too late. We're already here."

The guy on the bike comes to a complete stop and parks his vehicle on the side of the curb a few meters ahead of us. Aside from his bike, there were many other vehicles surrounding this suspicious looking area. It was a dark street and there was barely any lights except for a few street lights that looked like they hadn't been changed in years.

It was a shady as hell place and it made my skin crawl from the way it seemed so icky. Just what the fuck was April doing?

Was she perhaps someone's sugar baby?

As I mull over scenarios in my head, I notice April climb down from the dude's bike, straightening her tight black bodycon dress out and fixing her hair while the dude starts to take off his helmet.

I undo my seatbealt and throw a pair of glasses to Kesam. "Time to go." I prop sunglasses over my face and pull the hoodie to my pajama over my head.

Kesam does the same we look at each other for a solid minute before bursting into laughter. "We look fucking ridiculous."

That we do. We didn't really get a chance to change so we just decided to leave the house in our sleepwear.

I grin at her before opening my door and climbing down. I lock the doors to my car and quickly make my way to fall in step besides Kesam.

We hook arms once again and start walking forward into an alley where April disappeared a minute ago. When we turn the corner cutting into the entryway of the alleyway, we freeze at the stop of the stairs.

Down below was a fuck ton of people.

It was a large alleyway. People were in corners, in the middle, against each other. These people didn't look fun though. They all gave off a dangerous aura and they had matching black on. The girls were dressed in tight ass clothes while the boys all wore stupid leather and dark ripped jeans. A lot of the guys down there were holding onto a motorcycle helmet, some even still having it on their heads.

"Holy shit." Kesam blows out a breath as we take in the chaos.

"It's a cult. There's no other explanation." I shake my head at the scene, my eyes peeled out for my twin.

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