Chapter 8:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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Why did he say it like that?

My face feels warm as I glare at the classmates who were giving me looks and wouldn't stop staring.

"That's great!" Mrs. Cook grabs her clipboard and writes something down. In the middle, she pauses and glances at me. "Aspen, you don't mind being Saint's partner for the project right? I was going to have you do it alone as well since everyone else was paired up before you moved here."

I hesitate with my answer, looking in between a now seated Saint and expectant teacher.

Not wanting to drag this on longer, I give in. "Yeah, I'm fine with it."

Mrs. Cook smiles again and continues to scribble down on her paper. I scowl at the classmates who wouldn't stop staring at me and I'm about to call them out but Mrs. Cook interferes.

Everyone faces the front again and class goes on normally, but I turn my head around fast and scoot my chair a bit closer to Saint.

"Oi, angel. Are you feeling okay?" I whisper, giving him a suspicious look.

He looks away from the front and turns his head to face me as well. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Are you sure? Because that dramatic stunt you just pulled was so not like you."

"You don't know me, Wilson." He replies, his eyebrow raising.

"Fair, but I want to think I know some—" The bell cuts me off and Saint packs up his stuff quickly. 

"Let's talk later about the project." Saint says once he gets his backpack on his shoulders.

His eyes focus on my hair and he mumbles something I couldn't quite catch before walking out.

I stare behind him, completely lost at what just happened in this class. Sighing, I pack my own things into my backpack but before I leave the classroom, I go up to Mrs. Cook's desk.

She turns around on her spinning chair, hands folded as she asks, "Yes, honey? You need help with something?"

"Uh, I was just wondering what topic we're supposed to do for the project. I never caught that."

I actually don't even know what kind of project we're doing, but I'll figure that out later.

Mrs. Cook grins. "Saint already picked out a topic out of the hat when everyone else did, so he should know. I think I wrote it down somewhere but my papers are a mess right now and I don't know if you want to miss lunch to wait for me to pick through all of this junk."

I shake my head, turning on my heel to leave. "I guess I'll just ask him. Thank you, Mrs. Cook."

"Have a good day, honey!"

I walk out and head towards the cafeteria, looking forward to eating some food.

One of the differences between public and private school would be the food. Here, there were actual chefs hired and there was a range of food items a student could pick and eat.

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