Chapter 13:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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Once we're parked in front of this really lavish building that has A New You in a shiny cursive font on the front door, I turn to face Saint in the passenger seat.

I need to express my brilliant plan and show off my amazing braincells.

"About the project, I think I figured out a way we can present it. I thought about it a few days ago when I was using my phone."

He nods, turning a bit in his seat as well so his full attention was on me. "Okay, let's hear it."

"How about we do like a vlog?" I grin, pointing at my phone. "I think it'd be super cool and we can show out true authentic selves like how Mrs. Cook wants for the 'reflection' while we figure out what we're doing for each of the themes. Also- guess what the awesome part of all this would be?"

He was listening intently, which I appreciated, and then he goes, "What is it?" with a raised brow.

"We wouldn't have to talk!" I clap my hands excitedly. "I'm fine talking in front of people, but I noticed you're kind of shy and quiet usually so I thought this might make you more comfort—"

"I'm not shy." Saint cuts me off with a short laugh. "I just don't enjoy entertaining clowns and Crescent High happens to be a circus full of them."

I blink, a bit taken aback. I'm slowly realizing that the more I talk to this boy, the more he proves that my first impression of him wasn't so accurate.

"Alright, my bad, you're not shy," I chuckle. "What do you think about the idea though?"

"I think it's a great idea but," he taps his fingers on the armrest, in deep thought, "what if took that and we made it like our own book?"

My eyebrows furrow, "What do you mean?"

"You know how we have twelve books to pick apart at and work on?" I nod and he continues, "We could use all the twelve themes and once we connect them back to love, make our own book but with love being the central theme instead. And we'd do it in a video like format how you suggested, but we could edit it to be like pages of a book flipping."

When he's done talking, I have a huge smile on my face and I'm pumped with a feeling of excitement running through my veins. This actually sounded fun and it would mean more time away from the Becketts. I hold my hand out to him for a high five, showing my approval for the idea.

He hesitates a bit but high fives my hand anyway. I pull away my hand and grab the tickets, throwing one at him before stepping down from the car.

I hear him come down and lock my car doors a minute after, waiting in front of the spa doors for him to catch up.

He falls into step with me as we walk side by side into the salon and up to this pretty red-haired lady behind a beige marble reception desk.

She smiles at us once we're in front of her. "Hello, my name is Nadia. How can I help you guys today?"

I hand her the ticket I had and Saint does the same. She looks it over for a few seconds before looking up with a huge smile. "Alright, so these tickets allow you both to get facials and pedicures free of charge."

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