Chapter 18:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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"Yo! April is beating the shit of someone!"

I don't pay any attention to the people who had rushed to come and see what the commotion was all about. I don't try to correct the drunken guy who thought I was April either.

I just bash the two fuckers in front of me with my baton, over and over again. The stupid bitch who had my sister on his lap was already knocked out in the floor after a few hits.

The blonde fucker who had a bigger build than me held a more persistent fight, shouting curses as he tried to get to me. He swings at my face at one point, managing to get a good punch to my jaw. It hurt like a damn bitch, blurring my vision for a minute because of the intense pain that shot up my face.

Rubbing my jaw, I notice the guy try to kick me but I quickly close the large space in between us, him flailing because his leg didn't have enough room to hit me.

Kidney punches hurt like hell. Remember that, my little butterfly.

Taking advantage of his mistake, I roll my free hand into a fist and quickly deliver two blows: once in the face and the second in the kidney.

He groaned loudly, and I free my fingers to smack him in the face, aiming specifically to hit him upwards with my palm on the nose. 


He drops down to the ground, groaning, and I swing my baton some more. I hit him everywhere I could, my anger rising as the thoughts of what he was planning to do with a drugged girl invaded my brain.

Yeah, we're having fun alright.

"Shit, let's go, that's enough."

My baton is yanked away from me, the person behind me trying to step in between me and the blonde fucker. Realizing I wasn't going to stop even without a weapon, I'm hauled over the person's shoulder. Who the fuck?

"Let me go!" I scream, hitting the guy's back aggressively. "I'm not finished!"

"God, she's crazy."

A guy in the crowd that had formed blurts. I throw him a glare and he cowers, putting his stupid bottle of beer up to his lips.

"Alright, everyone," I focus on the person carrying me as he yells, "Party is over! Get out, now!"

There's boo's and grumbles of protest but propels start walking out, the fuckfaces I'd beaten up being dragged out of the door by a couple guys. When the last person leaves, I'm finally put down.

Max stands in front of me, arms crossed as he stares me down, an uneasy look on his hard features.

"You're not April." He states, confident.

"Oh, gee, what am I going to do now, you figured out my juicy secret," I mumble sarcastically, still annoyed with tonight's events.

Max sighs, his shoulders slumping. "You technically weren't supposed to be here. April said you wouldn't be. But now everything's out..."

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