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yaaaay little space

Awsten had quickly fallen asleep after putting on his baby pink hoodie.

Soon, Awsten flicked open his eyes getting up. It rained last night! That means there were puddles and Awsten loved puddles. He took off his shorts and replaced them with overalls. Awsten pulled on his yellow rain boots and ran out of the apartment and down the stairs and out of the complex. He giggled as he ran to puddles and jumped in them. Awsten jumped around in a few more. He was having so much fun! Awsten giggled as he jumped into a puddle and then slipped, landing into a bunch of mud. He was so dirty! Geoff was going to be so mad! Awsten got up and ran back into the complex and back to the room. He was gonna be so upset!

"Uh... Geoffy..." Awsten frowned pushing his shoulder. He needed help cleaning up and he could feel the tears lining his bottom eyelid. It took a few minutes before Geoff had opened his eyes and observed his surroundings.


Awsten in overalls. Cute.

Overalls are muddy?

Yellow rain boots. So adorable.

Muddy boot tracks. Not so adorable and hard to clean.

"Baby... How did you get so messy?" Geoff yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Wen'... I's wen' ou'side whiwe you was sweepin because da puddwes! And mud." Awsten looked down at his clothes realizing his hoodie was dirty and blinking out a few tears.

"Oh no baby no!" Geoff got up and grabbed onto Awsten's hands, "I'm not upset because you got dirty, okay? But I'm really really not happy you left the apartment without letting me know first. What if daddy lost you? Baby that worries me half to death you can't do that." Awsten frowned, he made Geoff upset! He wasn't happy. Why didn't he use his brain?

"I-I sowwy daddy. I sowwy sowwy." Awsten began to cry real hard. He was so stupid! He disappointed his daddy!

"No it's okay! Don't cry, you did nothing bad! You didn't know." Geoff placed two hands under his jaw, "I'm just not happy about it."

"But I wa' make daddy happy!" Awsten hiccuped, letting out a sob right after.

"You do make me happy! What you did just made me upset because, what if you got lost and I couldn't find you?" Geoff frowned. He hated seeing his boy sad.

"I don' wa' tawk about it anymowe pwease." Awsten wiped his nose.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let's go take a bath, okay?"


After the bath, Awsten sat on the floor coloring in the living room while Geoff was playing video games.

"Shit!" Geoff yelled, Awsten gave him a tap on the knee.

"Daddy no! You being bad, I go spank you!" Awsten pouted as Geoff chuckled.

"You try to spank daddy and see what happens munchkin." Geoff smiled.

An hour goes by and Geoff curses a few more times getting scolded by the little boy. He needed water so he got up, feeling a very gentle slap on his butt. Geoff turned around looking down at Awsten who was just staring up at him with the most innocent eyes ever.

"Time out." Geoff said sternly as he pointed to the corner.

"NO! You's say bad wowds!" Awsten yelled.

"Now." Geoff gave him the look the if you don't get your butt over there you are getting 10 spanks whether you like it or not Awsten whined and got up moving over to the corner, pouting.

15 minutes passed and Geoff was going to go crazy. He hated seeing his boy be so bored, picking at the carpet and trying to find something to distract him. Geoff couldn't handle it and held out his arms.

"C'mere babes." Geoff called out, watching Awsten eagerly get up and hugging his daddy. Geoff pulled him onto his lap.

"I sowwy daddy! I so sowwy neva give you a spankies again!" Awsten cried out.

"I forgive you, good boy." Geoff kissed the top of his head, "you did so good... You sat there and didn't complain, you're a good boy." Awsten smiled brightly, snuggling into Geoff.

"My good boy." It was like everything was perfect. Everything was just how he needed it to be.

it feels like you can read my mind- gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now