Chapter 9: Strolling Together

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Kreek Pov:

I wake up and saw Tanqr was have a worried position? I look at the clock. 10:30 am. I looked at the window, barely any sunlight hitting the skyI sighed and started to shaken him to wake up. Why, he's have a worry pose? I kept shaking him, I was concerned him. He woke up and started to hugging me? I felt a tear on my jacket and he kissed me. I was caught-off but his kiss felt very different.

Tanqr: I'm sorry- I just- have a bad dream.

I was stunned at that. He's have a nightmare? I just continue hugging him. He just kept patting my messing hair and thank me for waking him up. What was his nightmare? I just question it but I thinking too much. He got up and headed downstairs. I followed him into the kitchen, he just looking for something to eat. He looked rushed and when he was standing one of the cabinets, I walk over and hugging his hip area. 

Kreek: Tell me what happened. . . I need to know

Tanqr sighed, grabbed my hand and sit me down one of his kitchen chair and started to explained what happened. I can tell he didn't wanted explain but I want to know.  Tanqr looked at me and started unfold his dream, "I was the Rb Studio and was going to leave by the elevator, but I have to finding the keys. So, after I unlocked the elevator, the moment when I stand there, it was shaking, like insane amount. When the doors opened it was in front yard of my old house. I just- having flashbacks of my teen hood." I can't imagine how he dealing with own teen hood, and turning into him nowadays. "I was knocked out by you-. But it wasn't you, it was like Infection one. You're following me, trying to kill me. Until, I was blacking out by your bat and you just kept laughing at my death." I just stunned, just collected what just happened.

Kreek: I'm sorry. For the nightmare about me-

Tanqr pick me up and kissed me, like a peak. I just hugging, like rocking myself. Tanqr did the same. I looked at the time on the stove: 11 am

Kreek: Oh, sh-- I need to record today, I doing it! *chucked*

Tanqr: Okay, okay- *Chucking* You go do that, pumpkin~

(Time Skip: Evening)

I turn on the tv, to checked anything crazy happened on drama. The Weather Channel was telling that it's going to rain until next morning. I smile a bit in the inside. I really liked the raining especially when it at nighttime. The calmest of the drops, and it so peaceful and just taking all the thoughts away by the sounds. I looked out the window, there was some droplets.  Sweet, just the right time!

I grabbed my Rb Sweatshirt, my phone and keys. I just tell Tanqr, I went to a long walk. Before opened the door, I was ready to go-

Tanqr: Where you're going, mate?

I was stopped by him, just perfect timing. I said to him, that I'm going to take a walk for a while.

Tanqr: Out there? But it's raining!

Kreek: Yeah?  I enjoyed the rain, you have been out in the rain?

Tanqr was hesitated at first, he took a minute to respond. I sigh and grabbed his hand, looking at him on his mask. 

Kreek: Let me take you- Do you trust me?

Tanqr was thinking for a while and respond with a yes. I smile and dragging him into outside. It was a while yet it was peaceful with Tanqr on my side with me.

[Imagine this but more forestry type!]

[Imagine this but more forestry type!]

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There's was alleyway that was shirring due to the raining. I notice a puddles were filling up by and like child would do, I stepped into them. I love the sounds so much, that the water hit Tanqr on his jacket. I just laughing at him.

Tanqr: Oh~ Two can play that game!

He when process to hurdle over a puddle and make a splash and the next thing we do, we just acting like little kids playing in a rain. After playing with the rain. I started to shiver a little bit, I guess the Rb sweatshirt gotten soaked due the we playing the in puddles. I was cough a little bit. I guess Tanqr heard my coughing, since he come over, take off his jacket and hand over it to me. I was surprised, at first but thankfully he was wearing the same Rb sweatshirt but it was larger size than mine. 

Tanqr: Here. You need this more than me.

The way he sound, he was calm with this. I take it from him, and wear it. It was soft in the inside, but it was way too big for me. I felt like I was in a blanket, that's fully cover me. Tanqr  just hugging me and sing a soft- tune to me.

???: Aww~ This is a cute ship moment~

Both of us look around the alleyway. Who said that? Both of us were confused. Until I recognize a figure in the shadow. The famous killer farmer.

I whisper to Tanqr ear, "It's him. . . ." 

(910 words: WOW)


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