Coffee | Duff 🌻

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 Every friday afternoon, Duff went to a coffee shop that was near the studio. It was like taking a break from all the stress that being in a band meant. Guns N' Roses wasn't so famous yet, but trying to write lyrics and compose new songs could be a real pain. It was the third time he went there, he sat in the same place and waited for someone to take his order. 

The jingle from the small bell the door had caught his attention. Just for curiosity, he looked up from the menu and looked to see who it was. It was a girl, that girl being you. You sat in the table in front of him. From Duff's point of view, this girl was a complete mystery . Your (E/C) eyes had something that attracted him so much, not to mention your hair or your face. 

"Uhm, sir?" 

The waiter's voice distracted him from his thoughts. How long had he been standing there? Duff didn't know. He ordered his food and when the waiter left, he looked at the mysterious girl again. Oh, how adorable you seem playing with your fingers after you ordered. Duff knew he should make a move today because he wasn't sure if he would see you again. So, when he ate his sandwich and drank his coffee, he noticed that you hadn't finished eating, that was his opportunity. He grabbed the spoon from the mug and threw it next to you, making you jump a little. He quickly stood up and went to pick it up. 

"Sorry, it slipped out from my hand and somehow ended up here" he lied. 

"Oh, don't worry" you smiled kindly, a bit confused about how the spoon fell there.

God, you had the most beautiful voice he has ever heard

"I didn't mean to scare you" 

"It's ok, really" 

"As an apologize, how about I buy you a dessert?" 

Your eyes widened. 

"You'd really do that?" 

"Sure, can I... Can I sit here?" he smiled shyly. 

"Yeah" you replied. 

He sat and motioned for a waitress to come over and asked for a menu. When he got it, he handed it to you. 

"Choose whatever you want" 

"Huh... I want this slice of cake" you told the waitress and she left. 

"So, what's your name?" Duff asked. 

"I'm (Y/N)" 

"What a beautiful name" he muttered not low enough. 

Now you had an amused face.

"O-Oh, I mean uh..." 

"What's your name, handsome?" you asked playfully. 

"You can call me Duff" he winked, making you giggle. 

You just met him, but you couldn't help it anyway. He was cute, actually more than cute. And he seemed like a nice person. 

"Well, Duff... What do you like to do?" 

"I play bass-" 

"Sir" A male voice interrupted him. The waiter who took Duff's order before was there. "You didn't pay for the food you consumed" 

Duff couldn't help but blush a little. He totally forgot he even ate. 

"Yeah, sure..." he said taking out his wallet. 

After he paid, he looked at you full of shame, you just gave him a sweet smile. Before any of you could say something, your dessert was in front of you. You thanked the waitress and started eating. 

"As I was saying, I play bass in a band" he continued. 

"Really? That's cool! What's the name of your band?" 

"Guns N' Roses. We have small gigs but that's all, we aren't so popular" 

 "Don't worry, Duff, these things take time" 

"I hope one day we can at least be recognized" he sighed. 

You thought for a moment. 

"How about you tell me when you'll do the next gig and I go? I'd like to be there" you smiled. 

"Really? You'd go?" 

"Of course!" 

"That's great! Give me your number" 

"Not so fast there, pretty boy" you joked. 

"Hey, it's only for letting you know when we'll play again... Or just a date, who knows" he smirked. 

"Maybe I want a date, who knows" 

You finished your cake and called the waitress. While Duff was paying, you pulled out a pen from a small bag you were carrying and wrote on a napkin. 

When you got out from the coffee shop, you gave Duff the napkin that had your number on it. 

"Don't be surprised if I call too soon" he chuckled. 

"I'm gonna be patient" 

"I had a good time with you"

"Me too, Duff" 

"So... You really want a date?" 

"Sure, I'd love to meet you more"

Duff had to hide all of his excitement and happiness. 

"Me too. I gotta go now, but I'll call you" 

"I'll be waiting!" 

He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it, your cheeks turned red almost immediately. 

"See you, (Y/N)" 

"Bye, Duff"

You both turned around to make your separate ways. You decided to look back just to see him one last time. You didn't regret it, because a jumping Duff made your day. 


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