Secret | Duff 🌻

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So, Duff was in trouble. He had invited the band and you to hang out at his place, but the boys canceled. No one was coming except for you. At first he thought it would be cool to be alone with the girl he had a crush on, but now that it was almost time, it wasn't so cool. The only one who knew about Duff's crush on (Y/N) was his friend, Slash. 

"I dunno, Slash, maybe I should reschedule so all of you can be here" Duff said over the phone. 

"What? Man, you can't miss the opportunity to be alone with her! Today you could, y'know, tell her how you feel" Slash chuckled. 

"Ugh, you sound like you're in highschool" 

That was when he heard the doorbell. He mentally cursed. 

"Dude, I gotta go, she's here!" Duff said even more nervous. 

"Be careful what your hands do" Slash said laughing. 

Duff just groaned before hanging up. He made his way to the door and after open it, he saw the most beautiful girl standing there. 

"Hey, Duff!" you said before hugging him. 

"H-hi, (Y/N)!" he replied blushing, hoping that you didn't notice. 

After he closed the door, you were talking on the couch. The conversation was friendly and nice, but you couldn't stop thinking about how strange Duff sounded. 

"Uh, Duff? Is something wrong?" you asked concerned. 

"N-no! Everythin' is fine" Duff said a little too quickly. "Why you ask, (Y/N)?" 

"You sound a little... Nervous?" 

"It's nothing, don't worry" he smiled, making you smile back. 

Hours passed and you both were now playing truth or dare because there was nothing good on TV. Some giggling now and then.

"Truth or dare, Duff?" 

"Uh... Truth" 

"Do you like someone?" 

Oh, hell no. What should he answer? 'Yes, you'? 'No one'? He should foreseen this. Duff kept mumbling things without noticing that you were still looking at him. 

"Hello?" you giggled. 

"Oh! Sorry (Y/N)... Well" he took a deep breath before answering. "There's this girl who's always so nice to me, not to mention how funny, sweet, kind and beautiful she is" Duff smile for himself. 

You, on the other hand, were disappointed. You knew that he wasn't talking about you, it was probably a groupie or someone else, but you still tried to smile. 

"I'm... Happy for you, Duff" you gave him a sad smile. 

He looked at you again. 

"Wanna know who this amazing girl is?" 

You really wanted to say no, but he looked so happy about it and after all, Duff was your friend.


And when you least expected, you felt a pair of lips connected to yours. You were so in shock that you couldn't kiss him back immediately, but after some seconds, you did. It felt like something neither of you could explain, but the only thing you both knew was that you wanted to feel it forever. 

When you broke the kiss (only because of air) you kept looking at each other's eyes. The sweet silence was interrupted by Duff. 

"I like you so damn much, (Y/N)" he said with a shy smile. 

"I... Like you too, Duff" you blushed. 

"Really?!- I mean... Ya wanna be my girl?"

"I'd love to!" you hugged him. 

He kissed your forehead in return

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this" 

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