Work | Izzy 🍃

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It was your wedding anniversary with Izzy. You guys had been married for 5 years now and had a 3 year old daughter. She was the perfect combination of him and you. 

Izzy was always busy at work and barely had time for you or your daughter, but today before he left, he promised to come back early so he could be with you. 

That didn't happen.

"Mommy..." your daughter pouted. "Where's daddy?" 

"He's at work, sweetie" you replied, trying not to sound disappointed. 

"But he promised to play with me!" she said before you gave her a sad smile. 

"He'll be back soon, don't worry. Now you should sleep so tomorrow you can have energy" you said taking her to her room. 

"I'm not sleepy, mommy..." she yawned.

"Yes you are, little girl" you playfully said making her giggle.

When she fell asleep, you kissed her forehead and decided to wait for Izzy on the couch. This wasn't the first time that he was home late, but today he told your daughter that he would be home early, not to mention that he stood you up on you anniversary. 

Hours passed and he still didn't appear. You sighed and you were about to go to bed when the door opened. Izzy walked in and didn't even say hello. He closed the door behind him and sat next to you, turning on the TV. When you realized that he wouldn't speak, you decided to do it first. 

"Izzy, we need to talk" 

He didn't answered. 




"What do you want, (Y/N)?!" he said turning off the TV. 

"Listen to me, we-" 

"Can't you see I'm tired?! I work all day and when I finally get home this is what I receive?!" 

"What happened to you? You're not the same man I married 5 years ago..." you looked down. 

"Oh, yeah? So working changed me? Bringing damn money to this house changed me?!"

You had never seen Izzy so angry. It almost scared you. 

"Do you even remember what day it is today?" 

"I don't care, happy birthday?" he rolled his eyes. 

That was it. You were sick of this, you were sick of his attitude and sick of him. You barely saw him and when you did, the only thing you guys did was fight. The sweet, romantic man you knew was gone and that made your heart break.

"... Leave" you said on the verge of tears. 


"I want to divorce you, Jeffrey. I can't take it anymore" 

His face changed completely. 

"B-but, baby-" 

"Don't call me like that! I'll see you tomorrow so we can talk about this, but now get out" 

"No, (Y/N), we can't get divorced... I love you" 

"Oh, is that another one of your lies?" 

Now he was the one on the verge of tears. 

"If that's what you want, I'll leave..." he said getting up from the couch. 


"Goodbye, (Y/N)" 

And with that, he left. You ran to the bedroom and started crying on a pillow. You cried and cried until you fell asleep. 

The next morning, you woke up by your daughter's laugh. This was strange, she usually wakes up after you, so you immediately went to see her. The noise was coming from the living room and there was a precious sight. You daughter was on Izzy's lap playing with a new teddy bear. When she saw you, her smile was even bigger. 

"Mommy, daddy brought me a teddy bear!" 

Izzy and you smiled at her and he sat her on the couch so she could keep playing. 

"And this is for you" he said giving you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 

"I don't-" 

"I hadn't realized what an idiot I've been until I almost lost you forever. You're the love of my life, (Y/N), and nothing can change that. I promise to be more at home so I can be with you and (D/N). You are the woman of my dreams and I don't know how I even thought of yelling at you. I'm really sorry... would you give me another chance?"

You left the flowers on the table and stayed in silence. After a moment, you looked at him. 

"I really don't know what to say, Izzy, I trusted you so many times..." 

"Maybe this will help you decide" 

Izzy cupped your face and kissed you. It was something you had waited for so long that you almost cried. 

When you broke it, he took your hands. 

"Will you still be mine, (Y/N)?" he smiled softly. 

"Of course, love" you said before hugging him. 

He chuckled and kissed your head. 

"I love you so much, mrs Isbell" 

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