Jealousy | Axl 🌟

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You were hanging out with the boys at a bar. All of you were having a great time talking and drinking. Well, almost all of you. Izzy had bought you a drink and was now making you laugh with some stories and that was driving Axl crazy. How dare he to make HIS (Y/N) laugh? And even paying for her drink? Izzy should know that he was the only one who could buy you whatever you wanted. Except that you weren't his and either Izzy or anyone had no clue about his love for you...

However, that didn't stop Axl from being so jealous at this moment. That little traitor-

"Axl, are you ok?" 

He was suddenly brought to reality by your voice. Oh, how he loved that sound. 

"Y-yeah, (Y/N), everythin's fine" he gave you a forced smile. 

You smiled at him before returning to the conversation. Axl rolled his eyes in annoyance. Yeah, Izzy was your friend and you were very close to each other, but he could't help feeling bad. You were spending too much time with him and Axl wanted to be with you too. What if you liked him? Or even worse, what if you guys were already dating? No, that couldn't be... 

"I think it's getting late. I should be going, guys" you said getting up. 

Before anyone could say bye, Axl stood up almost instantly.

"I could walk you home, (Y/N), just to make sure you're ok" he smiled. 

You thanked him before saying goodbye to the others until you left the bar. While you were walking, you guys talked about random stuff before you brought up the subject again. 

"I know I asked this before, but is everything alright, Ax?" 

"Yeah, it's just-..." Axl immediately stopped talking. 

"Just what?" 

He quickly started to think an excuse and for his luck, you arrived to your home. 

"Uh, you should sleep now, see you tomorrow!" 

You grabbed Axl's wrist forcing him to stay. His eyes widened at your sudden reaction. 

"What's going on?" you asked concerned, making him sigh. 

"Fine, I'll tell you... You had been spending too much time with Izzy and I- we think that you like him and that make us a little jealous..." 

"So Duff, Slash and Steven get jeaolus too, huh?" you smirked. 

"Izzy's lucky you wanna be with him" 

"You think so?" 

"Yeah, cause you're funny, smart and y'know... Stunning"

You looked at Axl completely red and when he looked at you, he tried to hide his embarrasment. 

"I mean, uh... Ugh! I just can't stand it, (Y/N)! I've liked ya for so long and I already know that you're in love with Izzy but I want ya to-" 

He was cut by a soft pair of lips on his. It was happening. What he thought that was only on his mind was also on yours. It felt way too good to be real. 

You broke the kiss and giggled at the blush on his face. 

"I like you too, Axl" you smiled. 

"B-but didn't you like Izzy?" Axl asked shocked. 

"Izzy is just my friend. He even knows about my feelings for you!" you chuckled.

"Oh, (Y/N)... I feel so stupid right now" 

You put your arms around his neck.

"And I like you just the way you are" you said making him roll his eyes playfully. 

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's kiss again" 

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