Baby | Slash ✨

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Requested by @m6kk6e__ 💕

Slash was playing his guitar in the living room while you were in the bedroom. He told you to rest as much as you needed, but after one hour of being alone you started to get bored, so you carefully got up from the bed and went to the living. 

He was sitting on a chair with his back on your direction, so you decided to play a little game. Silently, you walked up to him and covered his eyes with your hands. 

"Guess who I am!" 

"Ok, are you... The love of my life and the beautiful mother of our future baby?" he smiled. 

You giggle before uncovering his eyes and standing up in front of him. 

"I love you" you said. 

"Love you more" he replied while leaving his guitar on the table. 

He looked at your belly and leaned closer to it. 

"Hey, little buddy" he cooed. "I dunno if you can hear me, but I love you too" 

Whenever Slash had small "conversations" with the baby, your heart melted. He did it when you guys were alone, when the boys were around and even when you were asleep. You found out this one time he got home late and you pretended to sleep before surprising him, but before you could do anything you heard some sweet whispers and felt small kisses on your belly. Slash was whispering to the baby something like "Daddy's sorry for being late" and "Let's get back to sleep before mommy wakes up" 

Now, you had the biggest smile on your face. He looked at you again and smiled. 


"Oh, nothing. You're just being a teddy bear again" you laughed. 

"Shut up" he said covering his face with his curls. 

"But... I love when you do that"


"Sure, honey, I have no doubt what a wonderful father you will be" 

His smile got even wider than before. You stroke his cheek softly, adoring the expression he had. You stayed like that for a couple of seconds before you asked something. 

"So what were you playing? I didn't recognize it" 

"Just some random riffs we could use, I'm not really sure" 

He grabbed his guitar and played more riffs. You liked them, they sounded really good but apparently, someone else liked them too because you felt small kicks in your belly. 

"I think the baby likes it"

"'Cause he got great music taste" 

"Saul, he's not even born yet!" you playfully shoved him. 

"So what?" 

You rolled your eyes. 

"Perhaps he knows it's you" 

"Ya think so?" 

"Yeah, I mean, it's not the first time he kicks when you play the guitar" 

"My child recognize me?" 

"I think so" you smiled. 

He stayed quiet but suddenly you heard that he was sobbing. 

"Aw are you crying, baby?" 

"No, I'm not!" he lied, making you raise an eyebrow. 

"Alright, maaaybe I'm just so proud of this kid and maybe I can't wait to finally see him in three months" 

Before he could hide his face again, you cupped his cheeks and kissed him. 

"I love you so much" you said after broking the kiss, making him smile again. 

"The world wouldn't mean a thing if you weren't in it, (Y/N)" 

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