Chapter Five (Rewrite)

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I wake up with the same nasty feelings as before. It must of been late cause the others weren't around and the lights were off. I cough a few times almost throwing up. Suddenly I hear Patton's door open. I see a tried Patton standing at the railing.

"You alright kiddo?" He said lifting his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah." My voice was scratchy. He laughed "Alright lets get you some more medicine." I laugh "Okay." Patton walks down the stairs, into the kitchen then to me, handing me three tables (I've edited this 3 or 4 times now...tables is staying. It's tradition now) and a glass of water. "Thanks Patton." I said allowing a smile to cross my face. Patton smiled back. Taking the medication, Patton's smile seemed to fade. "What wrong?" He shook his head lightly coming back to reality "Oh it's nothing. Just get some rest, Kiddo." I sigh knowing he won't budge on this. "Hey Patt?" He tilted his head gently. "yeah?" "you're good with feelings, right?" "well I'd say i'm well versed in the subject." "how do you know if you like someone?" He smiles, trying not to discount my feelings yet not understanding. "like, how do you know when you feel like you and another should be more?" Patton's eyes lit up. "Do you have a crush on someone?" I shushed him in his excitement. "Sorry... who?" he whispered. "why does that matter? i just need to know." Patton smile got brighter. "that's a question for the dear and true Roman." I rolled my eye and Patton got giddy once more. "it's him isn't it?" "ew no!" I whisper yelled. "I just...know he'll know who i like." "bonding experience!"

(The Morning)

I groaned, waking up. The three others were up making breakfast. Patton looked at me and smiled, "Well look who's up, Lover Boy." Roman said. I rolled my eyes. should've know Patt wouldn't've let it to me. Patton came out with a plate of toast. "It's okay if you can't keep it down, I just thought you needed to eat something." I smiled slightly. "Thanks Patton, but i'm not really hungry." "Oh, alright then... I'll just eat it with my eggs...and if you get hungry you let me know!" "Thanks."

I laid back down hoping to fall asleep again but that wasn't working. "Hey Kiddo," Patton said catching my attention. "Thomas is gonna come check on you in a few hours." "Kay." I said, sighing and tucking myself back into the ball of shame.

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