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IT had been three weeks since the horrendous date between Renjun and Yuyan. The Chinese lad was currently on step five of unloving someone fast. And this step was the hardest one for Renjun. Step 5: Break Contacts with Them.

He had tried to limit his contacts with Yuyan. He tried to not take the shortcut through the marketing department to get to his piano lessons, he changed his shifts at the gallery and he never sat foot on the soccer field again.

He deleted her number (which was honestly the hardest part of all) and unfollowed her on all social networks that they had in common. It felt weird, blocking her out of his mind and out his life—but ever since he started following the tips of that weird website, he felt better. He smiled more often and was more happy at work.

His co-worker Kim Yerim had looked at him one day and asked if he was moving on from somebody. With a bright smile on his face he turned to her and nodded. „It's liberating knowing I can feel like myself again!" He continued working and Yerim seemed impressed by how mature Renjun sounded.

Even Donghyuck was impressed on how well Renjun was taking this ‚un-love Xiao Yuyan' business. One day, the two of them were eating at a Korean BBQ, when Donghyuck looked over to Renjun. „How are you dealing with all this?" - „Actually pretty good", Renjun answered. „I'm glad I wasn't seriously in love with her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to move on so easily." Renjun laughed and Donghyuck nodded. „I'm proud of you, Injun. You look way healthier."

But even with all the compliments he was getting; at night, when he was lying in bed, he wondered what would happen if Yuyan never brought Mark along to their date. Would the two of them be girlfriend and boyfriend by now? Would they've already shared their first kiss? But whenever Renjun caught himself having these types of thoughts, he quickly shook them off and drank a bit of Oolong to calm down again.

He didn't want to think of the possibility of him and Yuyan being an item, when the woman clearly wasn't attracted to him.

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