Blukic and Driba go to Mr. smoothy's

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Four arms, Gwen and rook is fighting Trombipulor and four arms punch Trombipulor to a car and he landed above of Trombipulor and pull his ear.

"get up, Trombipulor!" four arms says while pulling Trombipulor ear.

"I've got you outnumbered four arms to two." four arms says while pulling Trombipulor ear and Trombipulor try to attack but four arms block it and Trombipulor Hut four arms with his mouth and kick four arms away.

"I came to earth to find the source of absolute power, not to get into a street fight." Trombipulor says while walking.

"but there's no reason I can't do both." Trombipulor says and Gwen try to shoot a anadite blast at Trombipulor but she missed and rook and the plumber start to shoot at Trombipulor and Trombipulor run toward them while blocking and both Gwen and took jump out of the way and four arms try to hit him with a lamp post but it didn't do anything.

"huh?" four arms asks while holding s lamp post.

"mess with Trombipulor, you get the tusk." Trombipulor says and Trombipulor run toward four arms and pushes four arms through a building.

"plumber H.Q! We need immediate assistance! I repeat immediate assistance! This is a..." rook was interrupted by Gwen pushing him out of the way and while with Blukic and Driba.

"Driba, why can we just buy a new 3D holographic monitor?" Blukic asks.

"you know how much that costs?" Driba asks while holding two wires.

"all we need to do is hack this spare transponder into the monitor." Driba says while holding two wires.

"isn't that the transponder from the code-red alarm?" Blukic asks.

"we only need the code-red alarm if there's a code red." Driba says while holding two wires.

"I'll order a new one before anything bad happens." Driba says while holding two wires and he connected the wire and the screen went wrong and both them look at the screen.

"try another A.V. input." Driba says and Blukic use the remote do another A.V. input.

"smooth I'd smooth, but you haven't had smooth until you've had Mr. Smoothy's. Mr smoothy's where a kid can be smooth." Mr smoothy says.

"smooooth." both Blukic and Driba says in unison.

"Mr smoothy's where a kid can be smooth." Mr smoothy's says.

"Mr, smoothy's!" both Blukic and Driba says in unison while their tongue are outside mouth.

"try out new grasshopper smoothie for a limited time only." Mr smoothy's says.

"grasshopper smoothies?!" Driba asks.

"we have to go." Blukic says.

"we have to find out how they get them so smooooooth." Blukic says and a alarm beep and while with grandpa max.

"Ben and Gwen dosen't seem to be making any headway." grandpa max says while running.

"if we're gonna take down Trombipulor, we're gonna need some specialized gear and I know just who can make it." grandpa max says while running and he run to Blukic and Driba lab.

"what the don't call us we'll call U!?" grandpa max asks in confusion and while with Blukic and Driba.

"take us to Mr smoothy's!" Driba says.

"which way is that?" Blukic asks while driving.

"it thought you said you knew were it was." Driba says.

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