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Okay Simon, you can do this. This really isn't difficult, I am just going to the field . Our Field. Our Spot. This is gonna be good, fun even. I need to see him, and in order to do that I actually have to see him. I am worried. I am scared. I don't think anything bad will happen. I mean I hope nothing bad happens. But knowing mine and Wilhelm's luck. Something will go wrong no matter what.

I want him back. That is what I want right? I need him back. I need him to be mine again. He is the only person in the world who can keep me sane. When I am with him the whole world melts away. The only thing that matters is Me. Him. Us. Our happiness. That is all that matters.

I know he is the fucking Swedish Crown Prince. Which makes everything 100 times more difficult but if I'm honest I wouldn't change it or him for anything. Even if it would make this. Us. Any easier. I love him and all the crazy, eventful shit that comes along with it.

 I want us to be able to be a couple again. To go out in public, for a date. Without being followed, harassed or worse. But if I believed, even for one second, that we could ever have a 'normal' life I would be the world's most idiotic person. He wants me back right. I'm not just imagining it?  But if he does want me back then, I know it will be in secret, no one will be allowed to know. Once again I will be the Prince's dirty little secret. As nothing would ever be allowed to ruin his chances of being a well respected royal. Not even the love of his life. Especially not if it's a boy. A prince in love with a boy. A King in love with a boy. Fuck. That would ruin Sweden. Right? 

Wrong. It doesn't matter. 

But to everyone else it does matter and that will never change. 

Unless Wilhelm can make it change.

He can make that change. Right? 

Or am I getting my hopes up way to high again? I do that a lot.


It's 7:26 PM. I am getting ready to leave, it takes around 20 mins to get to the field so I don't want to be late. I want to be early. I need to get there first. Before him. I need the time and space to mentally prepare for what is gonna go down tonight whether that be good or bad. Let's hope its good. But I won't bet on that.

It's now time to go, I'm wearing my purple hoodie that I know he loves with my green jacket and some grey joggers. I purposely made it look like I didn't try to hard, even though I changed my outfit an approximate of 100 times. I don't want him to be able to tell how desperate I am. Because I am definitely not desperate. No, I am the opposite of desperate. I'm chill. For sure. I'm so chill, I'm as chill as can be. 

I'm stepping out of the house. I shout goodbye as I close the front door. 

"Ciao, Mi amor." Shouts my Mum in a loving tone.

"Bye, Simon." Adds Sara.

Both my Mum and Sara think I am going to see Rosh and Ayub. I decided not to tell them where I'm actually going. I know that they probably wouldn't mind if they did know the truth. But I know that they both believe Wilhelm, kinda ruined my life and would not be to happy to know that I am giving in so easily and meeting up with him.

So for now I am keeping it to myself. Just the way Wilhelm likes it.

The bus arrives pretty quickly and I jump on without hesitation. I'm excited and I can feel it in my bones. Now for the 20 minute ride. I want it to go faster. I need it to go faster. I have someone waiting for me or at least I hope he is waiting for me. I decide to listen to music to get my mind of things. And also to block out all the background noise. Crying, Laughing, Talking. All of it. I need a break from the noise. I need to be alone. With my mind. With my thoughts.


I'm here already. I feel asleep, but I'm here. Thank God. I woke up in time. Because if I didn't I would be so mad. I have something important to do there's no time for sleep. There's no time for rest. I need to bring my A - game if I am going to be able to get through tonight.

I step off the bus, nod a thank you to the driver and watch as it screeches away with a great speed. I slowly walk towards the field, illuminated with the lights, the grass wet with dew and the sky. The beautiful star covered nights sky. A picture perfect moment. Or is it? I hope so. But my hope never really gets me anywhere does it? 

I decide to sit on the first row of seats. I am here before him. Thank God. I need to prepare myself to see him. To see his face. I pull out my phone it's already 8:03. He is 3 minutes late. But that's fine I will let it slide if it means I will at least get to see him. At some point. 

I'm taking deep breaths, twiddling my thumbs, biting the inside of my cheek. My way of preparing. Driving myself crazy. I keep checking my phone every 30 seconds. The time ticking by. 8:04. 8:05. 8:06.

Then I look up from my phone, when the clock ticks to 8:07. I scan the field for any sight of him. Worried he might not show up or got caught by his parents. But then to my surprise, out of the corner of my eye, to my right I see something. I see him. I see the love of my life. 

Any and all preparing I did has gone out of the window. 

"I'm fucked." I mutter. "So totally, fucked!"

I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you. Hope you have a good day. <3 <3 <3

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