『Kamado Tanjiro X Hanahaki!Reader 』

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(Now playing: The Scientist by Coldplay; slowed version )

Dedicated to: OfficialAizee

Title: Pleasure and Pain
Genre: Angst 🤡

It's a perfect sunny afternoon. You're in the Butterfly Estate, in front of your long-time crush, Tanjiro. You're very nervous, fiddling with your fingers herself in a poor attempt to calm yourself down. You mustered up your courage in order to speak properly.

"I-uh... Tanjiro-san, I... I've liked you for a long time now!"

The said male was caught off-guard at your sudden confession. He only thought of you as a sister and a friend, nothing more.

He laughed nervously, scratching his nape while simultaneously thinking about rejecting you in the nicest way possible. He doesn't want to hurt your feelings but he has to be polite. Especially to his kōhai.

"(Y/N)-chan... Are you sure about this? I mean, don't get me wrong but-" he fiddled in his place, looking at you.

You know that your chances are already so slim as you've seen the way he looks at Kanao. He loves her. Not you.

"-but I already have someone I like... I'm very sorry..." he added, hoping it didn't sound as cruel as it did.

"Understandable, Tanjiro-san. I'll see you around." you waved off, running to god knows where.

He saw your smile but he knows it definitely wasn't one of the smiles you show when you're happy. The smile you had just shown him was full of sorrow and he could clearly smell it.

He just sighed sadly to himself, leaving you some space for the meantime.


You were currently in the Butterfly Estate's bathroom, throwing up violently like there's no tomorrow. This wouldn't have been much of a problem to you but the thing is, you're throwing up flowers.

At first it was just one petal you magically had in your mouth. That was a few days ago and that particular petal was long forgotten. But as days passed, you had began throwing up flower buds and now they're full on bunches.

Wild roses, you thought to yourself as you smiled bitterly. Our of all the flowers, it had to be wild roses. You remembered what they stand for, pleasure and pain.

You have the pain part, yet no pleasure. You cleaned yourself up before going out, trying not to look like you're not about to die. Yes you may be in the inside but they don't need to know that.

As if fate had been playing with you, you immediately saw Tanjiro and Kanao together once you went out. You sighed before happily walking to Kanao to tell her that Aoi called.

You tried hard to fight back tears as you saw how Tanjiro kissed the back of Kanao's hand. They look so sweet, you thought. And they definitely don't need a third person in the picture.

"Um Kanao-chan, Aoi-san called for you." you said politely, looking down at the dirt.

She just looked at the both of you for a brief moment before going away. You and Tanjiro were left alone, awkwardness in the air.

"How have you been, (Y/N)-chan? Are you okay?" he asked like a big brother would.

He always treats you as a sibling. Nothing more maybe less.

"Yeah, Tanjiro-san. I'm... I'm fine." you grinned, showing no signs of sadness. "I should probably go..."

"Oh, okay then. I'll see you around." he said, making you smile at him again.

You went to the direction of the infirmary, wiping tears from your tired eyes. He loves Kanao. There's no need for you to interfere.

You wanted Kochou-san to take a look at you so you at least know what's wrong with you before you die. You didn't want to be so hard on yourself but you can't help it.

You pushed the matter off, still very convinced that Tanjiro will never look your way, lest love you.


A few days passed by and things are getting worse day by day. Whole flowers were now being thrown up by you, leaves included. You knew you weren't gonna last long.

Tanjiro just confessed to Kanao yesterday and you were there to witness it. Secretly, at least. You sighed to yourself, wiping away the blood from your lips.

Isn't ironic that you're in a forest throwing up wild roses? You looked up at the sky, smiling at the thought. Pleasure and pain, was it?

You were more ready to die now, not wanting anyone but Kochou-san to know. You had always thought that a demon is going to be the cause of your death, not wild roses.

Your vision blurred a bit as you felt that you couldn't breathe anymore, getting ready for your death. You heard a rustle of leaves nearby but you paid no mind, still carrying on with your death.

Soon enough, wild roses had taken your entire system, going as far as protruding out of your mouth and eyes, the rest of your body turning into a tree.

It all happened so fast, and before you knew it, you had turned into a tree full of wild roses. A beauty in the middle of a forest.

Pleasure and pain indeed.

Oh my Jashin this looks rushed.

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