『Muichiro X Reader 』

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AnoThEr HaShIrA OnE sHoT fOr y'All. EnJoy!

Flower Lady
(Genre: Fluff)

You were happily walking back to your home from a long day on selling flowers. Your family has a flower garden and it's up to you as the eldest sibling to go to town and sell the flowers.

You were humming a tune when you suddenly saw a boy looking at you. You looked back thinking he was looking at something behind you but you saw nothing.

Looking back at him, you noticed he was wearing some kind of uniform. He has long black hair with turquoise tips in it and eyes that seemed almost... lifeless and empty.

You can still see him staring at you so in attempt to lessen the awkwardness you were feeling, you waved at him while managing a small smile.

You succeeded however, seeing him smile back at you made your face flush a light pink. He made his way to you that made you conscious about the way you look.

You see, after a day of selling flowers, you had soiled your kimono and messed your hair.

"I'm sorry but can you perhaps tell me where the village is?" the boy asked as if he's been here long enough.

"Uhh sure! You can follow this trail until you reach the end. Then take a left turn and walk a little more. After that, you will be in the village." you said pointing to where he should go.

"Oh. Thank you. By the way, what is your name?" he asked. You were a bit reluctant to tell him seeing the both of you just met.

"My name's Muichiro Tokito." he said which made you fangirl about having the chance to see him in person.

"Wow! The Mist Pillar? It's an honor to meet you!" you exclaimed, bowing down.

"It's fine If you don't do that, really." he meant about the bowing.

"Okay. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! You said. He nodded at you.

"Well, I have to go. I guess I'll see you around then, (Y/N)."

"I'll see you around too! Muichiro!" you said while waving.


A few months has passed since that first encounter of yours and the Mist Pillar took place. He wasn't kidding about seeing you around because he often goes to the same trail to wait around until you pass by.

He also knows where you reside as you've shown him the way many times. He already met your mother who was very fond of him and your siblings.

And today was another normal day of selling flowers. You stopped selling for a while and then bought something to eat. You sensed something was looking at you and then you tried to find who it is.

You sighed happily seeing Muichiro walking towards you with one arm on his back. He eventually got close to you and then sat beside you. You offered him something which he gladly accepted with a small smile.

Whilst you two were eating, he suddenly gave you your favorite flower while looking at his left side, seeing you were sitting on his right side.

You blushed at his actions and then proceeded to accept what he gave.

"(Y/N), I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now. I'm feeling something towards you, and I'm sure it's not just mere friendship. I like you... a lot, flower lady. " he said, meaning every word with a light blush on his cheeks.

"I really thought that I was the only one feeling like that, Muichiro." you said, blushing madly. You giggled at the way he confessed before saying, "I like you a lot too, Mist Pillar."

𝗡𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗀𝗂𝖺 |𝗗𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝗦𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖾𝗋 𝗢𝗇𝖾 𝗦𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌Where stories live. Discover now