Who are you?

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"What?" Asked Alli.

Hank and Will just froze and turned around to look at the person who spoke.

"Her real name is Y/n Creed." Said the person.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Asked Hank.

"Oh sorry. Its very rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Ricardo Creed. Y/n's Dad."

"Dad." Said Y/n groggily.

"Hello. You must be Mr Creave? I'm Dr Choi. Your daughter has got a sprained wrist and some cuts on her knuckles. I'm going to give her a wrist support and we need to see her in 2 weeks time to see if its healed." Explained Ethan.

"Thank you Dr Choi. And it's Mr Creed not Mr Creave but you can always call me Ric."

Ethan froze. He knew the name Creed and how dangerous they were but he kept his cool and shook Ric's hand.

"I hope you guys aren't here for Y/n. Has she done something wrong." Frowned Ric.

"No no. She hasn't done anything wrong. I came to ask about someone's medical records." Lied Hank.

"Oh okay. Well I hope you find what you are looking for." Smiled Ric.

Ric signed the discharge papers and then picked up Y/n to take her home because she was tired and struggling to walk. He also offered to drop home Alli but she said she had a lift when she didn't, instead she was going to the precinct to talk about Ric.

*At the Precinct*

"Have you ever met Mr Creed before?" Asked Hank.

"Yeah but I knew him as Mr Creave. I met him when I stayed round Y/n's for a sleepover." Explained Alli.

"Wait, you know where she lives?" Asked Jay confused.

"Um yeah." Said Alli.

"How far away is the walk from here?" Asked Jay.

"Only about 20-30 minutes." Responded Alli.

Jay sat looking at Hailey confused. They remembered Y/n saying she had to walk two hours home.

"What's wrong Jay?" Asked Hank.

"Something doesn't add up. Y/n told us she had to walk two hours home when she was kicked out of the car. But Alli is saying its only 20-30 minutes walk. Alli, can you show us the house she lives in?" Explained Jay.

"Yeah sure." Said Alli.

They all got in their cars and drove to the location. The house was medium-sized and looked really nice. Alli got out and knocked on the door. To their suprise, Y/n answered and smiled at her. Y/n spotted Jay sat in his car when she opened the door and looked down to avoid eye contact.

"Hey! What's up?" Asked Y/n.

Alli reached into her bag and pulled out a chocolate bar she had gotten from the shop and a piece of homework they had gotten in class whilst Y/n was in the toilets.

Y/n gave her a hug and then told her dad she was going out for a walk with Alli. She kept her GPS on so it wasn't suspicious. They walked to their favourite park and sat on the swings.

"Why did you never tell me your name was Creed?" Asked Alli.

"Because you probably would have ran away from me and my dad didn't want anyone to know. I was also just trying to keep you safe." Explained Y/n.

"Yeah but best friends tell each other everything and aren't allowed to judge." Smiled Alli. 

Y/n then explained some important details about herself, her dad and her mum's death.

"I know the unit is around here somewhere. What were you doing with them anyway?" Asked Y/n.

"They explained who Ric was and who you were and everything that has happened to you. They also asked me to show them where you lived." Said Alli.

Jay then walked into the park with the rest of the Unit and they all stood in one line. Waiting for answers from Y/n.

"We want to help you but how can we when you lie to us?" Said Jay. He felt betrayed that she had lied to him.

"I couldn't tell you where I actually lived. Yes I live there most of the time but my dad also owns another place where we sometimes go on the weekends. I'm sorry Jay. But I didn't want you or any of your team to get hurt." Explained Y/n.

"We have a new lead anyway. Do you know a guy called Andrew Jackson?" Asked Jay.

"Yeah I do. What do you want with him?" Asked Y/n.

"Alli, do you know this guy?" Asked Jay avoiding Y/n's question.

"Yeah I know him." Responded Alli.

"Do you know his address, age, description? Anything you can tell us about him?" Asked Hank towards Alli.

"He's a great guy. One of our really good friends. He lives at 290 Cermak Road. He is 1 year older than us which makes him 15. He's  6'1 and has short brown hair and green eyes." Explained Alli.

"Ok thank you." Said Hank and the team went to walk away.

"Answer my fucking question!" Shouted Y/n.

The team turned round to look at Y/n.

"Watch your language!" Shouted back Antonio.

"Then answer my question." Said Y/n.

"We can't its private." Said Jay.

"NO! THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! I give you information and you tell me what is happening." Shouted Y/n.



Alli knew what she was talking about and hugged her tight as tears formed in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Kim calmly.

"My Mum. She...she was killed." Cried Y/n.

"By who?" Asked Kim.

"My...my dad." Cried Y/n. She dropped onto her knees in tears and Alli tried her best to keep her standing.

Jay ran over and dropped to the floor giving her a hug. Alli looked at Y/n to ask if it was okay for her to tell them what happened. Y/n nodded and they went to their cars to  talk.

Alli explained that Y/n's mum went to the police and her dad found out so got her killed in a car accident. And that Andrew is one of the best people on the planet. He has never done anything illegal and is a good guy.

Jay hugged Y/n on the floor before grabbing her phone and switching off her GPS. He picked up Y/n and carried her to his car. They all drove back to the precinct apart from Alli because they dropped her off at home and then they went upstairs to the bullpen. Jay carried Y/n into the break room and laid her down on the sofa. She needed a good night sleep so Jay took her back to his and let her sleep there.

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