Chapter 8

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Aaron's POV:

When I woke up the next morning Loraine wasn't anywhere in sight. I frantically woke up Sin, with him freaking out too. We got dresses and started looking for our mate.

When we finally found her we we're in awe of the view. She was wearing one of Sel's pink tutus and a tiara. Sel was right in front of her with a yellow tutu and tiara. Both of them were sitting at her play table with her tea set. They were giggling and throwing stuffed animals at each other.

"What are you two doing?" I questioned with amusement clear on my face.

"We're having fun Clair!" Sel said.

Loraine looked like she wanted to laugh, but held herself back.

'Don't laugh baby.' I said through our mind link, and she looked at me wide eyed.

'Sorry.' I heard her say shyly but with a small smirk on her face.

"Princess Lori, I'm hungry." Sel said to Loraine.

"Then we should go get you some food. Oh and me too I'm also hungry. Are you hungry Aaron?" She asked. I couldn't really focus on what she asked as hearing my name from her mouth made me hard.

'Damn I need a cold shower' I said to myself.

"Yeah baby I'll be down shortly. I just need to get a shower." I told her. She yelled okay as they walked down the hall to the stairs.

I headed back to our room and saw that Sin was already up and ready.

"Loraine is downstairs with Sel, their getting breakfast." I told him. He nodded and then headed out the door trying not to laugh at me, as my boner was very obvious.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once I stripped my clothes off I hopped in and let the water hit me, taking my mind off of Loraine and onto how cold I was.

After my shower I got dressed and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hello everyone!" I said to my family, as they were all in the kitchen.

"Well good morning son, your mother put your plate in the microwave to keep it warm." My dad told me. I nodded and headed over to get it.

After everyone ate breakfast me and Sin had to get out work done. We wanted Loraine to stay with us but mama said she wanted to take her shopping, since she only had the outfit she got here in and the clothes we gave her last night.

Before we headed to the office we each gave Loraine a kiss. We got up to our office and started on our work.

After a couple of hours the girls came back and Loraine looked exhausted.

'We probably should have warned her about mama and her shopping habit.' Sin said he to me.

'Yeah mama takes the expression, shop until you drop, way to seriously.' I responded.

Our mate came over to us and hugged us tight, burying her head into our sides.

"You okay baby?" I asked.

"Tired." She mumbled.

"Come on you can take a nap on Sin while we continue to work. How does that sound?" I asked. She didn't give a verbal answer only nodded her head and let out a cute yawn.

Sin picked her up and we headed back to our office to finish our work.

By the time we reached our office she was already asleep in Sins arms and letting out soft little huffs.

We then sat down at our desks and finished the work that we had left to do.

After some time we finally finished our work and then started to wake up our mate, as she needed to have dinner.

"Baby wake up, we gotta get you some dinner. Did you have lunch while you were out shopping with mama?" Sin asked her, and she shook her head.

"The we gotta get you something to eat, you need to have at least three meals a day, okay?" I said to her.

She let out a small yawn before nodding her head and standing up off of Sins lap.

We started to head out of the office but she grabbed our hands and we looked at her in question.

"I just wanted to hold your hands." She said to us shyly.

We both just smiled at her and pulled her along with us to the dining room for dinner.

Once w got there everyone was sitting down and the food was already there.

"Sorry we're late." I apologized.

"Don't worry about my baby boy, but now that your here let's eat." Mama said.

We were all eating and enjoying a peaceful dinner until mama had to ask and outrageous questions.

"So!" Mama dragged out.

"I when am I getting some grand babies?" Mama asked and I choked on my food.

Sin started to cough, and Loraine spit out some of her water.

"Mama we just met our mate, we're not having children anytime soon unless that's what Loraine wants." Sin responded and Loraine blushed bright red.

"It was just a question. No need to get your panties in a twist." Mama responded and then went back to eating.

I just now realized that this entire time dad was looking at mama with wide eyes. Bewilderment written all over his face.

After that question everything went back to how it was before, peaceful.

We all enjoyed the rest of our dinner before we all decided to watch a movie.

Sel and Arlo fell asleep during the movie so dad carried Sel up and I carried Arlo up.

After I got done putting Arlo to bed I went to my own room. Loraine and Sin were already in bed, so I quickly got done in the bathroom and went to bed as well.

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