Chapter 5

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Aaron's POV:

Me and Sin were sitting on the ground with our mate in our arms. After sometime her breaths evened out and she was asleep.

"Let's take her to our room." Sin said to which I agreed, as I didn't want her to sleep on the floor. So I gently picked her up and took her to our room.

Now that we have found our mate we will be sharing a room permanently. We used to share a room sometimes when one of us had a nightmare or couldn't sleep. Or we both just felt like having some company while both our wolves were aching for our mate.

When we got to our room I gently placed her on the bed and got in next to her, and Sin on the other side. As soon as we were both in bed she snuggled into us and let out a peaceful sigh.

"I can't believe we finally found her." Sin said breaking the silence.

"She's even better than I imagined." I responded.

"After so long she's right here in our arms. Although her pack was attacked and everyone died. The guards we sent to check out the pack found no survivors." Sin said. 

"Our poor mate. I hope she's better when she wakes up." I said.

"Let's get some work done while she rests. You wait her while I go grab it." Sinclair said as he got up from the bed and left the room.

Not long after Sin left he returned and we both got started on our work.

'Boys where are you?' We heard our mother's voice through mind link.

'In our room mama, but we will be down in a bit.' I responded.

'Alright my boys. I love you both.'

'We love you to mama' Sin responded and then cut off our mind link.

After our conversation we continued with our work. About an hour later Loraine started to stir and then her eyes gently fluttered open.

"Have a nice nap baby?" I asked Loraine to which she nodded and snuggled into Sin more. I reached my hand over to her and started to play with her hair. She started to fall asleep again but we needed her to wake up so she could get something to eat.

"Come on baby you gotta wake up. We need to feed you. Goddess only knows when the last time you ate was." I said trying to wake her up.

She finally sat up and stretched, then looked between me and Sin and blushed.

"Come on baby our mama is almost done with dinner." I said. 

She got up but still looked to be half asleep so I picked her up and she immediately wrapped her legs around my waste.

We got all of our work gathered up and took it to our office. Once we dropped off all the papers we had, we headed downstairs to see the rest of our family.

As soon as we entered the dining room we heard a really loud squeal followed by another. One from our mother and one from Sel.

"You found her?" Dad asked. To which me and Sin just smiled like fools.

"Oh my boys tell me how, when, and where." Mama questioned. 

"Mama let us get her something g to eat first, we don't when she last ate." Sin said.

"Oh you poor thing, come on let's get her fed. My she looks so skinny, let's get her fattened up." Mama said to which dad just rolled his eyes. But mama having eyes in the back of her head saw and smacked dad on his arm.

"Come on baby you gotta eat something for us." I told her. She nodded reluctantly but let me sit her on her feet. I lead her over to the table where the rest of our family, besides mama who was getting the last of the food out of the oven, was. Once we reached the table everyone looked at us.

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