Chapter 4

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Loraine's POV:


This can't be right!

I have two mates, but your only supposed to have one.

What in the moon goddess is going on.

Mom always told me you would have a mate. A as in one not two.

'This is right Loraine they're our mates.' I heard Eva say.

'Why do we have two, we should only have one?' I asked her.

'It's because they're twins, and twins always share a mate.' She told me.

'Really?' I questioned still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I have two mates.

'Yup, all supernaturals that are born as twins, triplets, quadruplets, and so on share a mate. Although they aren't common, twins and triplets are more likely.' Eva explained. I'm still not used to her speaking though.

I was stuck in my thoughts for so long that I didn't notice that the guard that was with me left and that my mates were standing right in front of me. They were both looking at me with so much love and admiration that it made my heart swell.

"Hello mate!" The one said. He had blue eyes with dark brown hair and looked to be taller than 6'0. Which was compared to my height 5'7, so I'm not exactly short, but he seemed tall and so did the other.

"You're absolutely gorgeous!" The other said and I blushed. He had blue eyes as well but instead of dark brown hair his was light brown.

"My name is Sinclair and this is my brother Aaron. What's your name our little mate?" The one with dark brown hair, now known as Sinclair, asked.

"Loraine." I said as a blushed because of the nickname he gave me.

"Look at her! We've barley even done anything and she's already so red." The light brown haired man, I mean Aaron said.

Sinclair looked as if he was thinking about something when his eyes suddenly went wide.

"Your pack was attacked?" He questioned. I then started to tear up and nod my head.

Before my tears could even fall they both had their arms around me hugging me. I felt so safe in their arms but I still think it is wrong to have more than one mate.

'No it's not and I won't let you take me away from my mates if that's what your thinking.' Eva said.

'I won't Eva, I won't be able to stay awash from them anyways, you know it's the mate bond and all. Plus where would I go, everyone's gone.' I replied and I heard her whimper.

"Baby I need you to tell us what happens at your pack." Aaron said, so I told them. I don't know if it was the fact that they made me feel safe, that they could help, or both was the reason I told them.

When I was done they were pissed. They even told me that the rogues followed me here and attacked them to which I stated to cry more and apologize.

They told me it wasn't my fault and that I don't need to worry but I still did. It was my fault they were attacked and some of their pack members were injured.

'But if we didn't come here we would have never met our mates' Eva countered.

She was right though. It may take a while to except but they are my mates. The way mom spoke about mates made it seem like you couldn't be away from them. Now I understand why.

I've only been with them for less than an hour and I'm already so attached to them.

All this crying made me tired and I slowly found myself falling asleep in the arms of my mates.

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