♥ ♥RS 13 ♥ ♥

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 ♥ ♥There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are spicy & hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥


Lines and more lines.  Jules doodled just for something to put between them as she stared at the blank paper.  It had been a long long time it seemed since she had put anything into the small notebook that she kept stashed in her shoulder bag.  She had gotten lazy, pulling at Matt's notebook and adding a line or two to a song, crossing out a word here and there.  Most of her suggestions he took.  Matt was just a better songwriter than she was and it didn't seem worth the effort lately.

Fire.  Ice.  Jules drew a face, long hair as she brought the images to her mind.  Another face, a swirl of her pen added the long hair to it, but her pen refused to write words.

For twenty whole minutes, she had successfully resisted what she craved, had smoked too many cigarettes while resisting it.  Uncurling herself from the bed, she scrunched down to retrieve her shoulder bag from the chair she had hung it over.  The war with her conscious had been lost but still the therapist's words flitted through her head.  Delving into its crowded contents, she shoved things around looking for the Christmas present from Starla.  "I'm not saying it's wrong Jules, it only becomes a dangerous thing to do in the wrong circumstances."  Easily recognized by her fingers she pulled it from the bag.  "You are, making decisions, creating habits that could stay with you the rest of your life."  So shiny, smooth, and cool in her fingers.  "When you think you want it, wait a half hour, an hour and think about it first, don't just run and grab it up."  Twisting the tiny cap to the flask, Jules put it to her lips hoping for at least one generous sip, even though she knew she had forgotten to take it to the party tonight and refill.    "When alcohol becomes something you think about and reach for anytime you are stressed or upset, or can't sleep, or happy, yes even happy, then you have a problem."  Aggravated at the empty contents, she chucked it back into the bag, laid back on the bed and reached for the lamp, switching it off.  "Well you just summed up my whole life, so when IS it okay for me to want a shot of tequila?!"  Settling her head on her pillow, she closed her eyes, her hand resting on the notebook, and tried to blank out the feel of Ken.  "I guess you could say it's okay, when you are not wondering if it is okay.  One or two drinks with family or friends when you are having a good time is okay if you are not driving and if you do not keep feeling like you need one more."  The clock on the bedside table made a clicking sound as it flipped from 259 to 300 and she determinedly closed her eyes again.  "So I can tell my parent's that you, my therapist said it was okay to drink sometimes."  Where the heck WAS Matt tonight, she could think of a good way to fall asleep.  "You're sixteen, and in a round about way, drinking is why you are here.  I'm not naive enough to think you are going to just stop, but you can learn to control it in your own life."

If she could control her own life, Matt would be in this bed with her right now.  Turning the pillow which was damp from her shower earlier, to a dry side, she closed her eyes again.  313 glowed from the clock when the distinctive rap that she had  grown accustomed to, sounded on the door. With a roll her feet were on the floor and flying to the door.  He hardly ever just come in the middle of the night like this without a phone call to her room first.  She could feel him on the other side, but she forced a few deep breaths into her lungs and counted to ten. Squeezing her eyes tightly she reopened them only halfway.

"Hey."  Modulating her voice she made sure it sounded casual and even sleepy

"Hey.  Had a bad dream.  Sokay if I sleep in your bed tonight?..."    So sexy he stood taking the time to look her over before passing her to enter the room.  No sooner had she shut the door than he turned, pinning her against it for a deep kiss.  "Tried to call you a couple of times..."  Reaching over her, he locked the door then began to kiss her again.

cut scenesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon