♥ ♥RS 11 ♥ ♥

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 ♥ ♥There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are spicy & hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥

Road Trip Matt's POV The morning of the trip

He had barely been able to take his eyes from her as she leaned into the car, loading.   As Dan rattled on reaffirming details and the to do list of the next nights show, Matt watched Jules as he listened, and inserted  pertinent reminders concerning the gig.

Liquid fire cascaded over her shoulders and down her shirt back in the morning sun.  Shit he loved her hair.  Her tee shirt hung long and loose as always, but he didn't need to see it moulded to know of the figure that was hidden under the cotton.  Or what he had toyed with a dozen different ways, dozens of times, the last being two nights ago.

Last night, she had danced until a few hours before dawn, unleashing all that flirty fire on several guys, Ken included.  Each had vied for her attention, hoping to get lucky.  Matt had fought jealousy and kept an eye on her, knowing she wouldn't leave with one of those guys, she never did, but had felt the familiar 'what if she did'  twinge of dread.  When she and Candi had disappointed the guys by taking their leave to their shared room, Matt had abandoned his own fan club to retire to the room he and Dan shared.

It had never been easy, but was becoming harder each time to watch other guys handle her.  He wasn't totally sure, but he thought she met his eyes more than casually during these after parties lately.  Last night he had wanted to get her alone somewhere despite the shared room arrangement, but had consoled himself that he would have her to himself today.

This morning, Dan had actually given him a questioning look, when Matt's attention was drawn to Jules yet again as she climbed the steps onto the empty bus.  Her normally form fitting jeans had become slightly looser in the last couple of weeks, but with each step up, they stretched sweetly across her rear.

"She better not be looking for that iron maiden tape."  Matt had faked irritation to cover his interest in her every move, as he and Dan had talked out the final  financial details.

Dan had laughed, and had seemed diverted, especially when Matt carried the  defensive deception further by saying Jules was making the trip to meet his friend Dale.

Which was not a total lie.  Matt could not wait for her to meet his friends, and so far Jules had shown a genuine curiosity in the people he grew up with.  However, the last thing on his mind was setting her up with Dale or anyone.

Now Matt stood on the top step and glanced out the bus windows finding the parking lot clear, then to Jules just down the aisle on the empty bus.

"Ready?"  He asked as he advanced on her.  She said something affirmative, even giving him a detailed run down of eight tracks, the Iron maiden she was smitten with lately, included. His focus was on her physical details, rather than words.  First her silhouette, then her front when she turned fully to him.  Her return gaze was suddenly curious, then wary, as she read his intentions perfectly.

His hands gripped her waist, and he picked her light lithe figure up, arcing her a few feet farther down the aisle away from the uncovered windows.  Her weight always felt right in his grasp, whether he was horsing around with her, or flipping her under or over him.

"I could use one for the road, what about you..."  He  attempted to persuade.

Her hair was damp at the roots, against his fingers, the fresh washed scent filing his senses.  He was glad she had showered again this morning, washed the other guys hopeful come ons from her skin.

"We don't have time, do we?...What if someone..."

"Come on care, I'll owe you..."

At the word owe, he had her full attention, could feel it in the slight change of her breath, the relaxing of her grip on his upper arms.  The dilated darkness of her assessing look.

He loved to owe her as much as he enjoyed being owed.  Enjoyed the subtle teasing all day until they could be alone for that payback.  Loved her anticipation when the time came, loved being the cause of her moaning his name.

"What is it you want..."  Her words made it sound like a chore, but her eyes sparkled and she pressed her lips to his.

Kissing her back he considered, visualized, her knees on the floor or her back to the closet area.  Or both...no that would be just wrong, asking too much, even given his payback promise.

The decision should be easy.  Jules could give a blow job that sent him out of his mind.  Made it feel so good, even from that first one ever, that he had to wonder if there had been other guys  in that way despit the virginity she had given him that night.

But  he discarded that train of thought.  Dan had seen him board the bus, and if he followed for some reason, if they were caught, he didn't want her caught that way, on her knees, like one of Ken's groupies.

His fingers found that cross roads of seams on her jeans and he pressed in answer.  Rubbed. "This..."

Her sigh of pleasure was hot onto his lips, but her cross words belied it.  "Okay, but you better be fast."  The crap in her hands was flung carelessly to the bench.  The iron maiden tape bounced to the floor but she didn't take notice.

He almost smiled at her, all cool and cocky, but he kissed her again instead as her hands pushed past his to get at her zipper.  Sometimes like now some deep emotion tugged at his gut.

His hand returned as she shoved at the denim and silk, wasting no time insinuating his fingers into what she unveiled.

As long as he didn't get her too crazed, he knew she would be up for a little something.  She had sworn to him once that she didn't have to get off everytime, that girls weren't left in dire straights, blue and hurting, like guys.  After which, he had quickly learned that happy medium for her when he wanted just one more before dawn- or they only had five minutes like now.

"Cara..."  He whispered, lifting her enough..."You feel so..."  With a groan he settled in completely and enjoyed a few still seconds.  "...damn good...always so good..."  She was wrapped around him, arms legs, scent, hot heat...

A squeeze in response set him in motion, and his brain blanked to anything that wasn't her...

"Ow-Matt!"  Her lips had been alternately nuzzled  in his neck, rubbing against his ear, and they turned away as she spit a curse. "Damn!"

When her exclamation penetrated, he slowed then paused in his pace.   "Sorry...oh damn sorry..."  The apology came when he realized her head had hit the closet behind her somehow.

Her response was simple, another urging squeeze, and again he felt that tug of emotion in addition to lust.

Sexy, soft, sweet, so tight, so right.

In under two minutes, he was slipping the button of his fly together as he watched the upward slide of her jeans cover her exposed legs.  As she worked her own fly together, he put his lips to the crown of her  bumped head.

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